Congratulations to Dr. Suchita Shah Sata for her promotion to Associate Professor of Medicine, Career Track. Dr. Sata is an attending physician in the Division of General Internal Medicine and hospitalist at Duke University Hospital. She joined Duke in 2015 as a Medical Instructor in the Department of Medicine and is a graduate of Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Education of and mentorship to trainees is a primary driver for her career, and she has taken a very active role in education, leading or participating in range of programs. Since arriving at Duke, she has designed and led educational interventions and curricula for all levels of learners, from crafting a novel resident elective to coaching trainees on their teaching skills and projects. Since 2016, she has served as Duke University Hospital (DUH) General Medicine rotation teaching attending. Dr. Sata has also served as the Associate Director for the GME Medical Education Leadership Track, and has mentored several clinicians through the DUH HM Clinical Mentor program to facilitate their promotion to the Assistant Professor level. She has consistently received high scores for her teaching and supervision, and her commitment and excellence as a clinical educator has been recognized at multiple levels. At the division level, she was awarded the Educational Excellence Award from the Division of General Internal Medicine in 2019 and again in 2020 (sole winner). In 2021, Dr. Sata received the Excellence in Education Award from Duke Hospital Medicine.
In addition to her clinical educator roles, Dr. Sata has also been very active in the Duke Program for Women in Internal Medicine (PWIM) and supporting her peers through various activities to highlight achievements of women in medicine.
She has pursued professional faculty development training in quality improvement and education, including the Academic Hospitalist Academy in 2016 and the intensive Quality and Safety Educators Academy in 2019, both administered by the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM). Dr. Sata was selected to participate in the Department of Medicine’s Faculty Development Academy for Education Scholars from 2018-2020.
As an Assistant Professor, Dr. Sata published 13 papers, mostly on academic engagement in hospital medicine, women’s health, and inpatient care/clinical progress notes. Outside of Duke, Dr Sata has been very active in the American College of Physicians and SHM and currently serves on the SHM Education Committee In 2022-2023, she was selected for a one-year Digital Media Editorial Fellowship with the Journal of Hospital Medicine and presenting several external grand rounds on high value and evidence-based hospital medicine across the country.