Here you will find resources for leadership and professional development within the Department and School of Medicine, handy resources like the Department's Faculty Orientation Guide and Duke University's Faculty Handbook.
In addition, the Department of Medicine established a Faculty Development Academy in 2011 to address individual faculty development needs, supplement ongoing mentorship, and develop faculty in three high-priority career tracks: basic/translational researcher, clinical/health services researcher, and education scholar. Learn more about the Faculty Development Academy, see a list of current and past Academy members, and read about their experiences.
There is also a collection of research resources, including funding opportunities, grant templates and examples, and more, as information about the Department's commitment to diversity.

Carla W. Brady, MD, MHS
Vice Chair for Faculty Development

Take advantage of faculty development resources
Matt Sparks, MD, assistant professor of medicine (Nephrology), said one thing that has helped his career is his participation in faculty development programs.
"Taking advantage of these programs has really helped me gain collaborations, diversified my research, and most importantly allowed other eyes on my work,” he said. Sparks’ advice for trainees is to be persistent in applying for and attending these programs. Give your grant proposals to researchers outside of your lab to read and critique to make sure they are easy to understand. Take advantage of programs like the K Club when writing your first career development award. Lastly, learn as many skills as you can and make good use of the core facilities available at Duke. Read full article.

Faculty development resources helped advance my career
Heather Whitson, MD, MHS, associate professor of medicine (Geriatrics), says she was very involved with faculty development programs when she started as junior faculty.
"I have made a point to go to programs that offer services and teaching about advancing a research career. It's just crazy not to take advantage of that. I feel like that's why I am at a place like Duke," Whitson said. Read full article.