About the Academy
Since its establishment in 2011, the Academy continues to provide individual faculty development needs, supplement on-going mentorship, and develop faculty in multiple career tracks.
Any regular-rank faculty member in the Department of Medicine can apply to become a Member of the Academy, but the program is specifically designed to serve junior faculty (Instructors and Assistant Professors).
Members of the Academy join one of four branches:
- Basic/Translational Researcher Branch
- Clinical/Health Services Researcher Branch
- Education Scholar Branch
- Clinician-Teacher Branch
Each Branch is facilitated by a Branch Chair and several other senior faculty coaches with a strong mentoring and career development track record.
Career Development
The Department of Medicine is invested in the career development of all faculty and offers a Career Development Seminar Series to all faculty.
All current members of the FDA are encouraged to sign up for the seminar sessions (see schedule). Having multiple junior faculty participate will enhance the experience and learning associated with each session. Remember, current members are expected to participate in at least 75 percent of all Branch and Academy activities.
Faculty who may be particularly well-served by the Academy include junior faculty who are:
- Currently funded through a career development award (NIH, VA, Duke, foundation, professional society, etc)
- Currently funded through a diversity supplement award to an NIH grant
- Planning to apply for a career development award or diversity supplement in the next year
- Under-represented minority and women faculty
- New faculty hires, particularly if you have direct support from the Chair or Dean
- Junior faculty who are developing curricula or evaluation methods for learners
- Any junior faculty who feel that the Academy can serve currently unmet faculty development needs
The Academy will provide its Members with:
- A DOM-tailored Career Development Seminar Series.
- Individual meetings with Branch coaches at least quarterly for personalized career development coaching
- Group mentoring meetings with Branch-specific topics (frequency varies by Branch)
- Review and coaching on CV and personal statement
- Guided navigation of the multitude of SOM and DOM faculty development resources
- Annual Academy-wide event
- Opportunities to interact with junior and senior faculty from other divisions
Updated July 2024: Read the expectations for Academy members and coaches.
Members participate in the academy for two years. As alumni, they have continued access to resources and links.
Criteria for selection
- Academic potential in Clinical, Health Services, Basic Science or Translational Research, or in Education Scholarship
- Clear career development plans
- Ability of the Academy to provide benefits to the applicant
For questions, please contact Dr. Carla W. Brady (Vice Chair for Faculty Development), Pamela G. Williams (Senior Program Coordinator), the Chair and/or Coach of any DoM Faculty Development Academy Branch.
About the Branches
Basic/Translational Researcher
Faculty coaches: Steve Taylor (Chair), Diego Bohorquez
If you’re doing basic or translational research, chances are you already have a mentorship plan in place. However, mentoring can take many forms and come from many sources. In addition, you may have faculty development goals that go beyond the traditional mentor-mentee relationship; these areas can benefit from a faculty development “coach.” Members of the Basic/Translational Research Branch of the DOM Faculty Development Academy will work with Academy Coaches to develop and implement an individualized faculty development plan and a core curriculum that will help you achieve your career goals in basic/translational research.
Participation in the Basic/Translational Research Branch of the Faculty Development Academy will require commitment to participate in the DOM-tailored career development curriculum, quarterly meetings with your Academy Coach, periodic group activities with other members of the Academy, and active participation in the Department of Medicine and School of Medicine faculty development offerings (listed here). Members are expected to participate in at least 75% of Academy activities.
Applicants should review the program requirements with current mentors and supervisors (e.g. division or section head) to assure that appropriate support exists for successful participation.
Clinical/Health Services Researcher
Faculty coaches: April Salama (Chair), Kristin Newby, Nia Mitchell, Maria Marquine, Michael Pignone, Anthony Galanos
If you’re doing clinical or health services research, chances are you already have a scientific mentorship plan in place. However, mentoring can take many forms and come from many sources. In addition, you may have faculty development goals that go beyond the traditional mentor-mentee relationship; these areas can benefit from a faculty development “coach.”
Members of the Clinical/Health Services Research Branch of the DOM Faculty Development Academy will work with Academy Coaches to develop and implement an individualized faculty development plan and a core curriculum that will help you achieve your career goals in clinical/health services research.
Participation in the Clinical/Health Services Research Branch of the Faculty Development Academy will require commitment to participate in the DOM-tailored career development curriculum, quarterly meetings with your Academy Coach, periodic group activities with other members of the Academy, and active participation in the Department of Medicine and School of Medicine faculty development offerings (listed here). Members are expected to participate in at least 75% of Academy activities.
Applicants should review the program requirements with current mentors and supervisors (e.g. Division or Section Head) to assure that appropriate support exists for successful participation.
Education Scholar
Faculty coaches: Sandro Pinheiro (Chair), Lisa Criscione-Schreiber, Poonam Sharma
Members of the Education Scholar Branch of the DOM Faculty Development Academy will work with Academy Coaches to develop and implement an individualized faculty development plan and a core curriculum that will help you achieve your career goals in education scholarship.
The Education Scholar Branch activities are designed to complements the activities of Duke AHEAD by coaching members on the theory, methodology, and resources for conducting high-quality education research. Specifically, this Branch will assure that education scholars have necessary skills in curriculum development, knowledge of education research methods, identification of experienced mentoring and funding for project implementation and evaluation; skills in scientific writing, grantsmanship, and project and personnel management; presentation skills; skills needed for transition to academic independence, effort negotiation, promotion, and tenure.
Applicants should review the program requirements with current mentors and supervisors (e.g. Division or Section Head) to assure that appropriate support exists for successful participation.
Faculty coaches: Bruce Peyser (Chair), Hakim Ali, Steve Choi, Kristen Dicks, Sangeeta Joshi, Diana McNeill, Aimee Zaas, Suchita Shah Sata
The Clinician-Teacher Branch of the DOM Faculty Development Academy will provide mentorship and career development for faculty who primarily 1) provide patient care and 2) clinical training to medical students, residents, and fellows. As in all DOM-FDA branches, we are particularly interested in supporting the careers of clinician-educators from underrepresented groups.
The coaches in the Clinician-Teacher Branch are Department of Medicine clinical faculty who are master clinicians and educators from across our divisions and practice sites.
Members of this branch will be new junior regular rank faculty with roles primarily in the clinical and education missions. (Mid-level regular rank faculty with roles primarily in the clinical and education missions may join if they are joining Duke faculty from another institution).
Applicants should review the program requirements with current mentors and supervisors (e.g. Division or Section Head) to assure that appropriate support exists for successful participation.