Duke HPM Fellowship Alumni Spotlight: Joshua Barclay, MD, MS, MSHR, FACP


Barclay 1
Joshua Barclay and his daughter
in  Snowshoe, WV

Joshua Barclay, MD, MS, MSHR, FACP

Fellowship Year: 2005-2008
Current role: University of Virginia, Director of Inpatient Palliative Medicine, Associate Fellowship Director, Associate Professor

Dr. Barclay is an Associate Professor of Medicine and serves as the Director of Inpatient Palliative Medicine & Associate Fellowship Director at the University of Virginia. He is active in clinical service leadership and quality improvement, and clinical education of learners at all levels.  His research and clinical care expertise focuses on substance abuse and diversion in palliative care patients. 

Barclay family
Joshua Barclay, his wife, Lisa and their 2 daughters.

Career interests: Clinical Education, Program Development, Quality improvement.

Major accomplishments since completing fellowship: Created Palliative Medicine Fellowship at UVA and was the Program Director for the first 8 years; UVA named PCLC by CAPC; Director of Inpatient Palliative Medicine at UVA; Co-founded Substance abuse and diversion SIG, AAHPM; Developed hospice service at UVA.

What are you working on now? Working with the medical center to expand palliative clinical services offered to patients at UVA; Educational research and development of palliative care; faculty development; education of medical students. 

Career goals: Improvement of the quality and coverage of palliative clinical services offered to patients at UVA; increased work in clinical education.

Barclay Daughters
Joshua Barclay’s daughters in Cancun

"Fellowship at Duke gave me the foundation for communication and clinical care of palliative patients. However, the most enduring and valuable impact was the exposure to role models and mentors demonstrating compassion, love, and care for our patients and families, as well as all members of the team."
