Hemming and Henderson Present a Transforming Chaplaincy Webinar


On Wednesday, May 17th, Dr. Patrick Hemming, Rev. Katherine Henderson, and Rev. John P. Oliver presented for a Transforming Chaplaincy webinar. Their presentation was entitled "Patient Religiosity and Desire for Chaplain Services in an Outpatient Primary Care Clinic."  

Healthcare chaplains often wonder how to use the limited number of chaplains in their department to meet the most critical needs.  An interdisciplinary team at a Duke Outpatient Clinic sought to understand this within their outpatient primary care clinic through a series of surveys that assessed patients' perceptions and understanding of chaplains, their desire for chaplain services, and patient characteristics.  Surprisingly, they found that it was not just the more religious patients who desired chaplain support. 

In the webinar, the research team presented their findings on their recently published paper that addresses these topics.

Click here to watch the full recording

About the panelists

Patrick Hemming, MD, MPH, is Assistant Professor at Duke University in the division of General Internal Medicine and Director of Residency Education at the Duke Outpatient Clinic. His research interests include the integration of behavioral health into primary care, co-training of chaplains and physicians, and any other interventions to improve communication skills and relationship-centered care.  

Rev. Katherine K. Henderson, MRP, M.Div., originated the role of Senior Clinical Chaplain for Outpatient Spiritual Care in the Duke University Health system.  Katherine provides individual and group spiritual care for underserved communities and patients and families living with Parkinson’s Disease. She is a lead researcher on ongoing projects in narrative medicine and the (outpatient) chaplain’s role in Advanced Care Planning. 

Rev. John P. Oliver, D.Min, serves as director of Chaplain Services and Education at Duke University Hospital. John is certified as an ACPE certified educator by the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education and endorsed by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. 
