Department of Medicine Announces 2024 Administrative Award Winners

The recipients of the 2024 Department of Medicine Administrative Excellence Awards have made distinctive contributions to the department while upholding Duke values and the department's mission. They have demonstrated excellence in managing department resources in a value-driven, data-informed, and unbiased manner. 


nick nguyen

Distinguished Achievement in Administrative Service Award  
Nick Nguyen, MHA 
Divisions of Cardiology & Clinical Pharmacology 

The Distinguished Achievement Award recognizes faculty and staff who have made significant contributions to the department's mission by providing exceptional department service to faculty, staff, and students. This year's award goes to Nick Nguyen, division administrator for cardiology and clinical pharmacology and director of finance and administration for the Duke Heart Center.  

Nick Nguyen is recognized for leadership on multiple DOM committees across our tripartite mission. His national engagement in the Association of Academic Surgical Administrators and the Association of American Medical Colleges, where he served as the inaugural chair of the department, center and Institute Administrator group.  

briana small

Rising Star for Administrative Excellence Award  
Brianna Small, MSW, MPA, Program Coordinator  
Division of Cardiology     

The Rising Star award recognizes an administrative staff member whose record reflects ongoing and exceptional growth in contribution to the profession and increased levels of leadership, responsibility, and sphere of impact within the department. Their track record reflects a strong career trajectory with the possibility of forward advancement and potential for appointment at the highest levels of the profession.

Brianna Small is recognized for consistently demonstrating a talent for managing multiple projects and juggling challenges as they arise. She has been an essential administrative partner in the planning and execution of several new initiatives, including the successful securement of more than $180,000 in new grant funding for the fellowship program, which has enhanced fellow learning opportunities.



Team Award for Administrative Excellence  
Appointments, Promotions, Tenure Team 
Amy Bradley, Joan Dupont, PhD, Jonathan Gilbert, Sheila Walls 

The Team Award recognizes teams working in partnership with DOM Divisions and institutional central offices to develop and implement effective and efficient operational and financial planning, reporting, human capital management, communication processes and resources, and performance monitoring systems that support the department faculty and staff achieve their research, clinical, clinical research, and educational objectives.  

The 2024 award goes to the Appointments, Promotions, Tenure (APT) Team: Amy Bradley, Joan Dupont, Jonathan Gilbert, and Sheila Walls. 

The team is recognized for its high-quality and structured approach to streamlining and automating key components of the department’s APT system, smoothing the planned promotion pathway for professional medical advancement and hiring new faculty. Through the team’s leadership, the new approach was managed in a way that effectively engaged key stakeholders and improved faculty satisfaction. 



Lifetime Achievement Award  
Sandra Pendergraph, Sr. Business Manager 
Division of Infectious Diseases 

The Lifetime Achievement Award in Administration recognizes and honors DOM administrative leaders who have made a broad and positive impact on the administrative profession through contributions to one or more areas of the tripartite mission over an extended period.  

Sandy Pendergraph has been with the department since 1996. She is known as a pragmatic, compassionate leader with a reputation for excellence, having successfully guided a diverse group of faculty members through challenges and successes. 
