Finance Director Janet Reagan Retires

After 35 years of service to the Duke Department of Medicine (DOM), Finance Director Janet M. Reagan is retiring. As she departs Duke on her last day, February 28, 2022, Reagan leaves behind a remarkable legacy of tireless dedication and devotion to the department, to Duke values, and to the many employees and colleagues she has inspired through the years.

Reagan has overseen finance for the DOM’s 12 divisions of more than $280 million with 770 regular rank faculty, 407 non-regular rank faculty, 800 staff, and 339 trainees – the largest Department within the School of Medicine (SOM). She has served under six department chairs, becoming one of the most visible leaders in the DOM—the go-to source of institutional knowledge—as she helped guide the organization through challenging financial times and the implementation of key best business practices and programs, while advancing the means by which medical care is delivered to patients and research is administered.

“Janet's dedication to both Duke and the Department of Medicine is unparalleled. She's truly someone who has everyone's best interests at heart and her stewardship has allowed the department to grow and succeed in all missions,” said Kathleen Cooney, MD, chair, department of medicine. “She will truly be missed.”

“Janet is a walking encyclopedia of financial knowledge and Duke history who is committed to excellence through collaboration,” says Amy Porter-Tacoronte, MBA, vice chair, administration and finance and chief administrative officer. “To this end, Janet has established a culture of inclusion within her team who actively seek out the feedback of colleagues; using it as an opportunity to better understand the needs of the divisions, remain aligned to tripartite goals, and develop tools that support them.”

Reagan’s collaborative approach has fostered the development of financial tools such as Salary Benchmark Tool and the Research Performance Dashboard which are models of best practice for identifying potential inequities within medicine. Reagan’s commitment to retaining talent has led to the development of financial onboarding and a training curriculum which has helped launch the careers of DOM faculty, trainees, and administrators by providing the tools needed to successfully navigate through the complex administrative and finance systems at Duke. She is responsible for the DOM’s implementation of initiatives such as FAM, Buy@Duke, Concur, multiple budget systems, and the Duke Cancer Institute PSA.

Janet Reagan’s adjusted service date at Duke goes back to 1989. She has spent most of that time in the DOM, sharing her knowledge, living Duke’s Guiding Values, leading with integrity, daily demonstrating trustworthiness, fostering teamwork, and going above and beyond for the department, often working all hours of the day and night when deadlines were tight, her colleagues are quick to note.

In 2018, she received the Presidential Award in the Executive Leadership category. Offered by the Office of the President in partnership with Duke Human Resources, the award recognizes individuals and teams who best demonstrate the values that define and shape Duke as an institution. The awards are the highest honor given by Duke to staff and faculty members.

“Janet is one of the most dedicated leaders you will find across our institution. Her commitment and exceptional service levels never waiver - during good or challenging times,” noted Paul Thacker, administrative director, The Duke Center for Antimicrobial Stewardship and Infection Prevention, Duke University Medical Center, in nominating Reagan for the award.

 In 2008, Reagan was asked to step into the dual role of Finance Director and interim Vice Chair in order to avoid the expense of replacing the latter position during the recession, persevering for two years despite the overwhelming workload and breadth of responsibilities, recalls Thacker, who hired Reagan when she first arrived at Duke in his role as director of Internal Audit at the time.

“Janet’s love for the Department and Duke University is second to none – she is especially proud to call two of her three children graduates of Duke University,” says Cathy Wood, MBA, former vice chair, administration, in her nomination of Reagan. “She has a true and unique dedication to service excellence and does not believe there is anything that falls outside her role when it comes to our Department (or Duke University).”

“Her dedication and devotion to the department is legendary,” notes Joe Doty, former SOM chief administrative officer, now senior vice president and chief operating officer, Baylor College of Medicine. “Many at Duke and throughout academic medicine owe part of their success to their relationship with Janet.  Always prepared and never out-worked, she has been instrumental to the success of the Department over the course of her career.  Her commitment and loyalty to the Department is surpassed only by her commitment and support of her staff. Her leadership in the Department and at Duke will be missed.  I am a better person and leader because I had the good fortune to work with Janet Reagan at Duke.”

Reagan assumed her current role as director of finance in May 2011 after having served in the role of director of finance and budgets for a short time and acting vice chair for finance and strategy from 2008 to 2010 and assistant business manager for finance and budgets from 1995 to 2008. Previously, Reagan acted as a financial consultant to academic computing areas at Duke from 1986 to 1995 and director of internal audit from 1981 to 1984. As a certified CPA, Reagan worked for Hollingsworth, Johnson and Avent after graduating in 1974 from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a bachelor’s degree in business administration.

Her experience as a CPA prior to her days at Duke and her work as an internal auditor have been a key asset to the department, colleagues noted, as she looked through the lens of what is good for the department, the SOM and the University as a whole while dealing with the many complicated issues that frequently arise within a large department and university.

“Janet is a role model as someone in the DOM who has quietly and efficiently been an essential part of its infrastructure for many years,” said John Perfect, MD, chief, Infectious Diseases. “She has made a difference in the success of DOM and leaves with a job well done; may she have a well-earned retirement knowing that she has contributed to Duke DOM success for many years to come. Thanks Janet from all of us who benefit from your efforts and commitments to excellence.”
