Funding opp: Stead Research Grants

By admin5
The Stead Scholarship Committee and Duke Internal Medicine Residency Program announce a funding opportunity and request for applications for clinical or translational research projects involving a team of Internal Medicine, Med-Peds, and/or Med-Psych residents under the leadership of a faculty mentor in the Department of Medicine. The goals of this funding opportunity are:
  • To promote and facilitate clinical and translational research training and experience of Duke Internal Medicine residents as they learn how to improve patient care through research.
  • To encourage the design and implementation of team-based research, by facilitating the formation of a team of Internal Medicine residents who will carry out a research project under the mentorship of a faculty member in the Department of Medicine.
Funding of up to $25,000 is available.

Letter of Intent

A one-page letter of intent to apply is requested from faculty mentor candidates by Mon., Dec. 15, 2014. The LOI is not binding and does not enter the review of the subsequent application. The letter of intent should include the following information:
  • Descriptive title of the proposed clinical research project
  • Name and contact information of the faculty mentor
  • Names of other key personnel
  • Proposed role of residents and an estimate of how many residents would participate participate in the study
  • A brief description of the research project
The LOI should please be emailed to


Applications are due by Wed., April 1, 2015. Please include the following information. Preliminary Data This RFA does not require preliminary data, but the presence of preliminary data may strengthen the application. Funds available The Stead Scholarship Society intends to commit up to $25,000 to fund at least one project. Award Budget
  • Application budgets should reflect the actual needs of the proposed project
  • The total available funds will be $25,000
  • A detailed line item budget is requested at the time of application
  • Changes to the original project budget are allowed but are subject to review and approval after the notice of award is announced
Typical expenses that may be budgeted:
  • Database management and statistical support via DOCR and DTMI (see link below)…
  • IRB costs incurred if not covered by other source
  • Personnel time (only if 100% effort is not covered by other sources at Duke) eg. study coordinator, statistician time for analysis, data manager
  • One time computer software purchase that is essential to carry out the project
  • Publication costs
  • Travel to a scientific meeting to present data (limited to one resident)
Expenses that are not allowed under this funding mechanism:
  • Computer or printer purchases
  • Transfer of funds to discretionary accounts
  • International Travel to scientific meeting
  • % effort for residents
Key Personnel Residents participating in this project must be named as key personnel and each resident’s specific role must be described in detail in the full proposal. A maximum of two residents may be named as TBD (to be determined) to allow recruitment of two new Interns starting residency training in July 2015 or rising JAR/SARs Review Process The projects will be reviewed by a committee consisting of faculty members in the Department of Medicine and Stead Scholarship Committee leadership prior to final approval Notice of Award The award notice will be finalized in June 2015. Award Project Period The duration of the project will be two years with a one year no-cost extension subject to approval. A one-page progress report is due by June 30 of each academic year. Award start date July 1, 2015
