Gamble recognized for her work in helping the homeless

Julia Gamble, a Nurse Practitioner at the Duke Outpatient Clinic, was recently awarded the 2022 System of Care Making a Difference Above and Beyond award from the Durham Community Collaborative, a program within Alliance Health.

Julia has worked in Durham with the uninsured and underinsured since 2004. She serves on the leadership team of the Duke Outpatient Clinic and assists with their HomeBASE “high utilizer program.” She is the clinical director and co-founder of the Durham Homeless Care Transitions Program. 

Gamble was nominated by the Durham County Community Paramedic Team, highlighting her collaborative work developing opportunities for homeless people with medical problems and the COVID homeless isolation.   

According to the nomination, Julia works tirelessly to bridge gaps for some of the most complex and vulnerable patients in the community. During the most unprecedented of times amidst the COVID pandemic, she coordinated shelter for people experiencing homelessness to recover from infection as well as quarantine for safety.

About the Collaborative 

The Durham Community Collaborative is a group of community members and organizations who teamed up to implement a System of Care approach by creating neighborhood and community environments that empower and support children and their families. They collaborate to build an array of services, supports, and linkages among public and private human service agencies, families, neighborhoods, and communities.
