GME: Innovation Fund call for proposals

By Anton Zuiker
Proposals to be considered for July 1, 2011 funding are due December 10, 2010 by 5:00pm. This support has been contributed by Duke University Health System as part of the overall GME Endowment Fund. The goal of the funding is to reward excellence in teaching, assessment, and program improvement by encouraging innovation and collaboration. The objective is to provide sufficient seed money to fund innovative programs/curricula/assessment/faculty development which ideally facilitates the program(s) competitiveness to obtain additional resources. Projects must include a clear plan for measuring educational impact and sustainability.  Funding is in the range of $5K-100,000 per year for up to three years. Please visit the GME Innovation Projects section of the GME website to find:
  • Innovation Fund Guidelines
  • Application instructions/materials
  • Descriptions of current projects and project posters from the 2010 Innovation Celebration
  • A checklist to refer to while writing and submitting your proposal
If you have questions, please refer to the GME Innovation Projects Innovation Funding FAQ section of the GME Website or direct your questions to Thank you and we look forward to considering your proposal and learning about your commitment to Innovation in Graduate Medical Education.
