When we think of opioid safety, the first name that comes to mind is likely to be Dr. Larry Greenblatt, which is why it comes as no surprise to see him quoted in a recent front-page article in The News & Observer. The story was entitled, "NC sees the nation’s second highest increase in opioid deaths" and was published August 15. Greenblatt commented on fentanyl and fentanyl analogue deaths and how the numbers of them "are just skyrocketing.”
Read the entirety of his comments and the full article here.
HIstory in Opioid Safety
In 2013, Greenblatt helped create Duke’s Opioid Safety Task Force, and in 2016, assisted in establishing Duke’s Opioid Safety Committee. He currently serves at a state level as a member of the "Opioid and Prescription Drug Abuse Advisory Committee," part of North Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services.
Other Recent News
Because of his expertise, Greenblatt is frequently sought out to comment on the ongoing opioid crisis. He was interviewed for a segment on Spectrum News in New York and was quoted in a Duke Clinical Practice Today article "Duke Takes Action to Reduce Opioid Prescriptions."