Internal Medicine Residency News, March 28th, 2022

From the Director

Well, my bracket is totally busted but WHO CARES??? Duke is in the Final Four! And while I cannot believe how much I will hear it from my UNC fan friends if …well, you know…. It is crazy how the whole thing is turning out.  That said, we have an even bigger event this weekend …. Chief Jess is getting married! Stop by the 8th floor and give her a big congratulations! We are super happy for you and Paul!

As far as “things to do” …. please take the time to complete your ACGME survey! Reminders went out to those who haven’t yet done the survey and we will keep reminding you all the way through April 17th when the survey closes.  Let’s go and get 100 percent participation! Any questions about things we do in the program, please ask me, an APD or a chief! Can’t find your survey link? Ask Tia or me and we will resend it to you.   Also, if you are a SAR and planning to take the boards in August, the rates go up (seriously) after April 15th so please sign up before the “late fee” takes effect.   We are also looking forward to our first How To Be a JAR event on Friday! Rising JARS, you will receive a brief “pre-survey” so we can best meet your needs during the session!


Kudos this week to Omar Martinez Uribe from cards fellow Willard Applefeld for amazing work in the CICU, to Emily Romanoff, Hannah Schwennesen and Shivi Chandramouli for excellent leadership during a code blue (from Dr Colby Feeney), to Lauren Pinion from JR Peacock for excellent work on DRH nights, to Colin Smith for a fantastic SAR talk, to Kelly Flynn for a great Cohen Conference, to JT Tanaka for a fantastic grand rounds, to Emory Buck, Shannon Herndon and Emilio Guzman Cisneros for being an awesome NF Crew (from Bari Rosenberg), to Stephanie Reyes for doing an amazing job on VA GM, from Maxine Chan, to Thomas O’Toole from Shannon Herndon for taking care of a complex patient at sign out, to Hannah Florian from Felicia Cao for helping out while she was busy at Pickett, and to Allison Taylor for being a great JAR at the VA and Ceshae Harding for being an awesome dayfloat (both from Nijat Aliyev).

Pubmed from the Program

This week’s pubmed from the program goes to Mary Jo Obeid for her recent article published in the Journal of Cardiac Failure.Pericardial Adipose Tissue Volume and Left Ventricular Assist Device-Associated Outcomes.

Rao VN, Obeid MJ, Rigiroli F, Russell SD, Patel CB, Molinger J, Gupta RT, Agarwal R, Fudim M.J Card Fail. 2022 Jan;28(1):149-153. doi: 10.1016/j.cardfail.2021.06.021. Epub 2021 Jul 16.


Have a great week! Let’s go DUKE!


Clinic Corner: Ambulatory

Contributed by Dani Zipkin, MD

Ambulatory Threads – Division Education Leads

I’d like to share a huge shout out to all of the Education Leads who have been working hard behind the scenes to give you the best possible educational experience in ambulatory threads and academic half day. Thank you to: Cristiana Costa, Stephen Bergin, Mike Harrison, Carly Kelley, Darsh Kothari, Micah McClain, Toyosi Onwuemene, Neha Pagidipati, John Roberts, Sophia Weinmann. I am grateful for your leadership!

Next year, the threads will also incorporate Geriatrics clinics! Welcome to the threads team, Gwen Buhr, and thank you for being the anchor of the geriatrics learning experience.

Clinic Templates

This is the time of year when new interns are incorporated into the clinic planning for next year and the chiefs are incredibly busy creating the very complex schedule for everyone. It’s a lot of moving parts, to say the least. I am grateful for their skill and grace in getting this done.

Managing Clinical Messages

Each clinic site has a rubric for how messages are routed, based on what rotation you are on. We are in the process of revising this – be on the lookout for fresh messaging. If you are at Pickett, Jeff Clough is working on better utilization of the “out of contact” function since Duke Primary Care is broad and won’t know where you are when on inpatient. Please check in with Jeff on this! DOC and Prime will hear messaging from their leadership.

Med Res Team Office Calendar

From the Chief Residents

Morning Report: March 29-31, 2022 via Zoom
Date Topic Lecturer Time Location

Female Incontinence

Dr. Nazema Siddiqui 7:15 a.m. Zoom
03/30/22 Case Report Sean Taasan 7:15 a.m. Zoom
03/31/22 Fatigue Bruce Peyser 7:15 a.m. Zoom


Academic Half Day: April 1, 2022
Thread Topic Lecturer Time Location

How to Be a JAR


9 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

VA Surgery Conference Room C5010


Toxicities of Immunotherapy 

Cardiovascular Prevention

Alie Mara & Ryan Rader

Nishant Shah

9 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

VA Medicine Conference Room C8016


Noon Conference: March 28-April 1, 2022
Date Inpatient Topic on Zoom Lecturer Time Location Lunch
03/28/22 SAR Talk: Gender Affirming Care Dr. Cunningham 12 p.m.


03/29/22 LEADS: Update to C. difficile Treatment Guidelines

Amy Barto, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Nicholas Turner, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, 
Infectious Disease

12 p.m.




SAR Talk: Inpatient Hyperglycemic Management

Dr. Sutton

12 p.m.


Chubby's Tacos

Cohen Conference

Dr. Dominquez

12 p.m.


04/01/22 Grand Rounds: 

Greenfield Speaker

High-risk medical decision-making in the liver transplant setting

Jennifer Lai, MD, MBA, FACP
Endowed Professor of Liver Health and Transplantation
Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology/Hepatology,
Director, UCSF Advancing Research in Clinical Hepatology (ARCH) Group
Director, Patient-Facing Research Core, UCSF Liver Center
University of California, San Francisco

12 p.m.


Report Conference Schedule: March 28-31, 2022
Date Topic Lecturer Time


Duke SAR Report - held in 2253

MS2 Report - held in 8262

Dr. Broderick w/ Dr. Simel 

Dr. Hirshman w/ Dr. Kussin

MS2 Teaching

11 a.m.

1:15 p.m.

2:30 p.m.


VA JAR Case Report

Duke SAR Report - held in 2253 

VA Intern Case Report

Duke Intern Case Report - held in 2253

Dr. Loriaux w/ Dr. Zaas

Dr. Baker

Dr. Ahlers w/ Dr. Wu

Dr. McGue w/ Dr. Nishant Shah

11 a.m.

1:15 p.m.

1:30 p.m.

2:30 p.m.



Duke SAR Report - held in 8262

Dr. Abdulrahim w/ Dr. Roa

Dr. Zhao w/ Dr. Zaas

11 a.m.

1:15 p.m.


QI Conference

Duke SAR Report - held in 2253

VA Intern Case Report

Intern Case Report

Opioid Dosing

 Dr. Redpath  w/ Dr. Nishant Shah

Dr. Harrison w/ Dr. Narcisse

Dr. Garbarino

11 a.m.

1:15 p.m.

1:30 p.m. 

2:30 p.m.

From the Residency Office

Our Wellbeing
The Department of Medicine is keeping an updated list of wellbeing resources during this extraordinary time. Click here for more information.

Employee Health has Expanded Hours!
Based on feedback from team members who are seeking COVID testing so they can safely return to work with EOHW approval, the COVID hotline has expanded hours for employees: 5:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7 days per week. 

Feeling down? Need to talk to someone? Opportunities for Wellness
All trainees at Duke have FREE access to Personal Assistance Services (PAS), which is the faculty/employee assistance program of Duke University. The staff of licensed professionals offer confidential assessment, short-term counseling, and referrals to help resolve a range of personal, work, and family problems. PAS services are available free of charge to Duke faculty and staff, and their immediate family members. An appointment to meet with a PAS counselor may be arranged by calling the PAS office at 919-416-1PAS (919-416-1727), Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. For assistance after hours, residents and fellows can call the Blood and Body Fluid Hotline (115 inside DUH, 919-684-1115 outside) for referral to behavioral health resources. Another resource is Duke Outpatient Psychiatry Referrals at (919) 684-0100 or 1-888-ASK-DUKE.
