Internal Medicine Residency Program Celebrates Fellowship Match 2022-23

The Department of Medicine (DOM) and Duke Internal Medicine Residency Program celebrated the 2022-23 fellowship match today.

“The success of this year’s fellowship match is indicative of our commitment to excellence and the dedication and hard work of our outstanding senior residents. I am proud to see them continue on to specialty training and excited about their future contributions to the field of medicine,” said Kathleen Cooney, MD, MACP, chair of the Department of Medicine.

This year Duke residents matched in 11 subspecialties and 18 are staying at Duke.

Our residents clearly stand out among a very accomplished group of internal medicine residents who are applying for fellowships from programs across the country. We are so proud of them and look forward to seeing them thrive as they take the next steps in their careers,” said Aimee Zaas, MD, MHS, Duke Internal Medicine Residency program director.

We also congratulate the DOM divisions for attracting a phenomenal group of incoming fellows.

“I’m proud of our entire education team for their hard work during recruitment. Thank you to current fellows, faculty members, program directors and program coordinators for being such strong advocates for our trainees and programs. I am happy for our matched residents, and excited to welcome an excellent new group of fellows to Duke for their subspecialty training,” said Lisa Criscione-Schreiber, MD, MEd, vice chair for education.


Senior Residents Matching to Fellowship Programs

Name Specialty Location
Jawan Abdulrahim Cardiology Duke
Alejandro Antonia Infectious Diseases (CIP)  Duke
Megan Barrett Cardiology University of Pennsylvania
Daniel Bernstein Gastroenterology Duke
Kirstin Binz Hematology Oncology KU
Amanda Broderick Hematology Oncology Duke
Emory Buck Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Duke
Aubrie Carroll Cardiology Duke
Tyler Couch Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Vanderbilt
Connor Craig Cardiology MUSC
Carter Devlin Cardiology Cleveland Clinic
Emmanuella Egbonim Cardiology UTSW
Michelle Ferreira Hematology Oncology Johns Hopkins
Forrest Gamble Cardiology Cleveland Clinic
Matthew Goodwin Infectious Diseases Duke
Aaron Hein Gastroenterology Emory
Shannon Herndon Rheumatology Duke
Jordan Infield Hematology Oncology Duke
DaMarcus Ingram Cardiology Duke
Sukrit Jain Gastroenterology Northwestern
Ben Kellogg Rheumatology Duke
Aaditya Khatri Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Duke
Grace Lee Pediatric Cardiology Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania
Omar Martinez-Uribe Gastroenterology Duke
Kurren Mehta Gastroenterology UCSD
Sriya Muralidharan Gastroenterology University of Chicago
Neesha Namasingh Endocrinology Duke
Pooja Patel Gastroenterology Duke
Harsh Patolia Cardiology Cleveland Clinic
Chelsea Perfect Geriatrics Duke
Priyanka Reddy Geriatrics UNC
Benjamin Redpath Infectious Diseases (Adult/Peds) UCSD
Emily Romanoff Gastroenterology Brown
Komal Safdar  Nephrology Duke
John Tanaka Cardiology Stanford
Allison Taylor Hematology Oncology Duke
Luxi Wan Cardiology Baylor
Christopher Wanjiku  Hematology Oncology UNC
Monroe Wolf Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine UCLA
Emily Zalimeni Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics  Boston Children's

