Major research awards, April-Sept 2010

By Anton Zuiker
This list of recent awards (April through September 2010) was compiled by the Faculty Development/Affairs office. Future awards will be shared as we learn of them -- send a message to or use the submission form. Andrew Alspaugh (Infectious Diseases) received an award from NIH for a project entitled, "Coordinated Regulation of Virulence Genes in C. neoformans." Andrew Armstrong (Oncology) received a $670,000 grant from the Dept of Defense as a Physician Research Training Award for his work on circulating tumor cell biology in advanced prostate cancer, July 2010. John Bartlett (Infectious Diseases) received a subaward from Social & Scientific Systems, Inc for a project entitled, "Community Health Promoter Program Grant”, and an award from NIH for a project entitled, "HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Unit”.  (posted 4/2010)  Dr. Bartlett also received an award from NIH for a project entitled, "HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials Unit (Equipment)." Gerard Blobe (Oncology) received an award from NIH for a project entitled, "Multispectral Imaging Flow Cytometer Core." Hayden Bosworth (General Internal Medicine) was awarded two grants:  1) VA HSR&D IIR (08-297) (Bosworth), Dates: 9/1/10-8/30/13, Title: Cardiovascular Intervention Improvement Telemedicine Study; 2) Foundation for Informed Decision Making (Bosworth), Dates: 6/1/10-5/31/11, Title: Personalized Cardiovascular Risk Information to Initiate and Maintain Health Behavior Change.  Dr. Bosworth is co-investigator on this grant: NIH / NIAMS  1R01AR059673-0, Allen (PI), Dates: 7/27/2010-6/30/2015, Title: Patient and Provider Interventions for Managing Osteoarthritis in Primary Care; and co-mentor for Dr. Bimal Shah on this grant:  AHRQ, PI: Oddone, Eugene Z. 1K12HS19479-01 (Oddone), Dates: 9/3/2010-9/29/011,  Title: A Mentored Comparative Effectiveness Research Scholar Program (MCERSP) in response to the AHRQ ARRA Recovery Act 2009 Limited Competition RFA-HS-10-007. Carol Colton (Neurology) received an award from NIH for a project entitled, "Increasing Sensitivity to Enviromental Stress by Humanizing NOS2 in Mouse." David Edelman (General Internal Medicine) received an award from AHRQ for a project entitled, "Post-doctoral Fellowship in Comparative Effectiveness Research”.  Dr. Edelman also received an award from NIH for a project entitled, "Tailored Case Management for Diabetes and Hypertension." Ziad Gellad (Gastroenterology) was awarded a Career Development Award from the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; award dates 7/2010-6/2012. Larry Goldstein (Neurology) received a subaward from Yale University, which is for a project entitled, "Stroke Hospitalization in the Elderly with Medicare Fee-for-Service." Brent Hanks (Hematology/Oncology) was awarded a prestigious 3-year Department of Defense Breast Cancer Post-doctoral Fellowship Award. Adrian Hernandez (Cardiology) received an award from AHRQ for a project entitled, "Comparative Effectiveness Therapies for Heart Failure." Charles Hicks (Infectious Diseases) was awarded a 5-year renewal of his T32 AIDS training grant from the NIH (NIAID).  The funding started on 1 September 2010 and runs through 31 August 2015. Nicole Kuderer (Medical Oncology) is a recipient of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Young Investigator award for 2010.  Dr. Kuderer will receive a one-year award of $50,000 to support initial research in clinical oncology.  Dr. Kuderer is involved in developing a genomic signature linked to thrombosis. Yutao Liu (Center for Human Genetics) won two awards:  1) The Thomas R. Lee Award for National Glaucoma Research from American Health Assistance Foundation to study the roles of GALC in primary open-angle glaucoma from 2010 to 2012, and 2) The Glaucoma Foundation Award to study the roles of regulatory variants for LOXL1 in exfoliation glaucoma." Janice Massey (Neurology) received a subaward from the University of Alabama Birmingham for a project entitled, "Thymectomy in Non-thymomatous MG Patients on Prednisone." John Perfect (Infectious Diseases) received an award from NIH for a project entitled, "Pathobiology of C. neoformans in the Central Nervous System." Ben Powers (General Internal Medicine) received a 4 year VA HSR&D Career Development Award. Bimal Shah (Cardiology) was awarded the NIH K-12 research grant for comparative effectiveness. Robert Spurney (Nephrology) VA Merit Review Awarded, Title "Mechanisms of proteinuria induced by RhoA GTPases”, Principal Investigator: Robert Spurney, Dates: 10/1/10-9/30/2014. Bill St. Clair (Rheumatology & Immunology) received a subaward from the University of Alabama Birmingham which is for a project entitled, "Duke University TETRAD Enrollment Site." Marilyn Telen and Laura De Castro (Hematology) received funding for a study entitled "Propranolol as Anti-Adhesive Therapy in sickle cell disease SCD." Sascha Tuchman (Oncology) received the Bart Haynes Award.  This award funds junior investigators in their transition to becoming independent scientists. Kristi Williams (Cardiology) received an award from NIH for a project entitled, "The effects of NIrp12 and IL-1b in Inflammatory Disorders."
