Sponsored Research
Uyen N. Pham (Mentor: Sudarshan Rajagopal) of Cardiology has received an award from the American Heart Association for a project entitled "Functional divergence of ss-arrestin isoforms drives distinct AT1R signaling in hypertension." Total funding will be $32,553.
Preston J. Anderson (Mentor: Sudarshan Rajagopal) of Cardiology has received an award from the American Heart Association for a project entitled "Pluridemensional Signaling of Vasoactive G Protein-Coupled Receptors." Total funding will be $32,553.
Sandeep Dave of Cell Therapy has received an award from the National Institutes of Health for a project entitled "Clinical and Genetic of Monomorphic Epitheliotropic Intestinal T Cell Lymphoma." Total funding will be $2,083,010.
Guofang Zhang of Endocrinology has received a sub-award through the Wake Forest University Health Sciences for a project entitled "NCDRC P&F." Total funding will be $50,000.
Rowena Dolor of General Internal Medicine has received a sub-award through the Vanderbilt University for a project entitled "PCORnet® Infrastructure Capacity Building for PCOR Priority Areas." Total funding will be $100,799.
Charity Oyedeji of Hematology has received an award from the American Society of Hematology for a project entitled "Adapting and Optimizing Gerofit Exercise Intervention for Older Adults with Sickle Cell Disease." Total funding will be $150,000.
John Strouse of Hematology has received a sub-award through the Medical College of Wisconsin for a project entitled "Cure Sickle Cell." Total funding will be $9,303.
Rahima Zennadi of Hematology has received a sub-award through the Medical College of Wisconsin for a project entitled "Cilia as a biomarker of CNS vascular health." Total funding will be $80,500.
Vance Fowler of Infectious Diseases has received a sub-award through the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill for a project entitled "Innate immune induction of antibiotic tolerance and resistance in Staphylococcus aureus - R56 Bridge Funding." Total funding will be $252,102.
Susanna Naggie of Infectious Diseases has received an award from the St. Louis University for a project entitled "Spatial transcriptomic profiling to assess liver fibrosis pathways associated with HIV infection." Total funding will be $12,828.
Jamie Todd of Pulmonary has received an award from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for a project entitled "Club cell secretory protein to distinguish chronic allograft dysfunction risk in lung transplant recipients." Total funding will be $112,000.
Industry Sponsored Clinical Trials
Daniel Friedman of Cardiology has received an award from Medtronic, Inc. for a project entitled "Predicting and optimizing CRT Response Using change in Intracardiac Electrodmangram Area." Total funding will be $52,597.
Darin Dufault of Gastroenterology has received an award from Pentax Medical Company for a project entitled "PENTAX scope culture." Total funding will be $67,965.
Gowthami Arepally of Hematology has received an award from Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation for a project entitled "aHUS Study LNP023/Novartis. A multicenter, single-arm, open label trial to evaluate efficacy and safety of oral, twice daily LNP023 in adult aHUS patients who are naive to complement inhibitor therapy.." Total funding will be $160,104.
Marilyn Telen of Hematology has received an award from Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc. for a project entitled "GBT2104-133 - An Open-label Extension Study to Evaluate the Long-term Safety of Inclacumab Administered to Participants with Sickle Cell Disease Who Have Participated in an Inclacumab Clinical Trial." Total funding will be $467,983.
Jeffrey Clarke of Oncology has received an award from Hoosier Cancer Research Network, Inc for a project entitled "GT103_HCRN_NSCLC." Total funding will be $30,939.
Jeremy Force of Oncology has received an award from Gilead Sciences, Inc. for a project entitled "TBCRC 047: InCITe." Total funding will be $39,715.
April Salama of Oncology has received an award from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for a project entitled "Regeneron R3767-ONC." Total funding will be $704,902.
John Strickler of Oncology has received an award from AbbVie Inc. for a project entitled "ABBV-400 for Advanced Solid Tumors." Total funding will be $1,703,537.
Matthew Foster of Pulmonary has received an award from BIOMILQ for a project entitled "SRA." Total funding will be $5,358.
Coral Giovacchini of Pulmonary has received an award from Veracyte, Inc. for a project entitled "NIGHTINGALE II. NIGHTINGALE: CliNIcal Utility of ManaGement of Patients witH CT and LDCT Identified Pulmonary Nodules UsinG the Percepta NasAL Swab ClassifiEr." Total funding will be $183,106.