Sponsored Research
Adrian Hernandez of Cardiology has received an award from the American Heart Association for a project entitled "Impact of a food purchasing intervention on consumption patterns and improved dietary outcomes in New Orleans." Total funding will be $449,324.
Jonathan Piccini of Cardiology has received an award from the American Heart Association for a project entitled "AHA-GWTG Clinical Insights 2023-2025." Total funding will be $2,172,761.
Sreekanth Vemulapalli of Cardiology has received an award from the Food and Drug Administration for a project entitled "Medicare Advantage for Real World Evidence in Cardiovascular Disease." Total funding will be $1,567,108.
Harvey Jay Cohen of Geriatrics has received a sub-award through the University of California - Los Angeles for a project entitled "Patterns of Biological, Cognitive, and Physical Aging in Cancer Survivors and Controls and the Role of Sleep Health: Relevance for Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias." Total funding will be $26,266.
Heather Whitson of Geriatrics has received a sub-award through the University of Massachusetts Medical School for a project entitled "Advancing Geriatrics Infrastructure and Network Growth (AGING) Initiative." Total funding will be $55,088.
Oluwatoyosi Onwuemene of Hematology has received a sub-award through the Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation for a project entitled "Increasing Diversity in Clinical Trials Participation through the SCD-CARRE Study." Total funding will be $240,000.
Nicholas Turner of Infectious Diseases has received a sub-award through the Washington University in St. Louis for a project entitled "Metabolomic Differentiation to Aid in Diagnosis of Clostridioides difficile Infection." Total funding will be $121,433.
Opeyemi Olabisi of Nephrology has received a sub-award through the Regents of the University of Michigan for a project entitled "NEPTUNE Public-Private Partnership (""MATCH Study"")." Total funding will be $8,343.
Susan Dent of Oncology has received a sub-award through the Johns Hopkins University for a project entitled "Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium 2023 Infrastructure - SGK." Total funding will be $31,000.
Susan Dent of Oncology has received a sub-award through the Johns Hopkins University for a project entitled "Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium 2023 Infrastructure (BCRF)." Total funding will be $31,000.
Susan Dent of Oncology has received a sub-award through the Johns Hopkins University for a project entitled "Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium 2022 Infrastructure - SGK." Total funding will be $15,000.
Susan Dent of Oncology has received a sub-award through the Johns Hopkins University for a project entitled "Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium 2022 Infrastructure (BCRF)." Total funding will be $15,000.
Daniel George of Oncology has received an award from the The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center for a project entitled "INC: Ipilimumab + Nivolumab + Ciforadenant in RCC." Total funding will be $257,808.
Eziafa Oduah of Oncology has received an award from the Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation for a project entitled "Phase Ib Study of MEM-288 Oncolytic Virus in Combination with Nivolumab in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)." Total funding will be $240,000.
Industry Sponsored Clinical Trials
Adam Devore of Cardiology has received an award from BodyPort for a project entitled "SCALE HF 2." Total funding will be $1,533,526.
Adrian Hernandez of Cardiology has received an award from Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. for a project entitled "PRECISION HEALTH GENE EDITING ALLIANCE WORKING GROUP." Total funding will be $62,822.
William Jones of Cardiology has received an award from Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Inc for a project entitled "OCEANIC-AFINA." Total funding will be $1,382,160.
Mitchell Krucoff of Cardiology has received an award from Abbott Vascular Devices for a project entitled "2023 MDEpiNet dues." Total funding will be $35,000.
Zak Loring of Cardiology has received a sub-award through Duke Clinical Research Institute for a project entitled "ConductIoN System pacInG witH IngeviTy+ for the Left Bundle Branch Area (INSIGHT-LBBA)." Total funding will be $35,499.
Robert Mentz of Cardiology has received an award from Verily Life Sciences, LLC for a project entitled "Verily HF Registry." Total funding will be $138,350.
Sudarshan Rajagopal of Cardiology has received an award from GB002, Inc. for a project entitled "GB002-3101 - Gossamer Bio - A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Inhalation of Seralutinib for the Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH)." Total funding will be $138,841.
Cristina Gasparetto of Cell Therapy has received an award from Celgene Corporation for a project entitled "A Phase 3, Two-Stage, Randomized, Multicenter, Open-label Study Comparing Iberdomide, Daratumumab and Dexamethasone (IberDd) versus Daratumumab, Bortezomib, and Dexamethasone (DVd) in Subjects with Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM)." Total funding will be $285,833.
Lindsay Rein of Cell Therapy has received an award from Incyte Corporation for a project entitled "A Phase 1/2 Open-Label, Multicenter Study of INCB000928 Administered as a Monotherapy or in Combination With Ruxolitinib in Participants With Anemia Due to Myeloproliferative Disorders." Total funding will be $993,161.
Lindsay Rein of Cell Therapy has received an award from Karyopharm Therapeutics for a project entitled "Karyopharm: Phase 1/3 study of selinexor in combo with rux in treatment-naive patients with MF." Total funding will be $180,127.
Jennifer Green of Endocrinology has received an award from Bluedrop RPM, Inc. for a project entitled "MASTER." Total funding will be $447,348.
Malcolm Branch of Gastroenterology has received an award from Fractyl Health for a project entitled "FRACTYL REGIONAL HUB_PRO00113938 A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Sham-Controlled, Multi-Center Pivotal Study." Total funding will be $2,195,807.
Matthew Kappus of Gastroenterology has received an award from Kezar Life Sciences, Inc. for a project entitled "Pro00113953_KEZAR Study A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Phase 2a Study with Open-label Extension to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Zetomipzomib (KZR-616) in Patients with Autoimmune Hepatitis." Total funding will be $276,483.
David Leiman of Gastroenterology has received an award from Celldex Therapeutics, Inc. for a project entitled "A Phase 2 Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Barzolvolimab (CDX-0159) in Adults with Active Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Celldex_CDX0159-08_Pro00112764." Total funding will be $87,934.
James Davis of General Internal Medicine has received an award from Delfi Diagnostics, Inc. for a project entitled "DELFI - Investigating the Clinical Utility of DELFI L301 Evaluation of Lung Cancer Screening." Total funding will be $303,471.
Jonathan Huggins of Infectious Diseases has received an award from F2G Ltd for a project entitled "F2G F901315 0041." Total funding will be $266,739.
April Salama of Oncology has received an award from Pfizer, Inc. for a project entitled "Phase I Study of PF-07799933 (ARRY-440) as Monotherapy or in Combination in Participants With Advanced Solid Tumors." Total funding will be $291,583.
Jason Somarelli of Oncology has received an award from Pathos AI, Inc. for a project entitled "Validation of the CREB binding protein inhibitor, Pocenbrodib, as a novel therapy for advanced, hormone therapy-resistant prostate cancer." Total funding will be $360,427.
John Strickler of Oncology has received an award from AbbVie Inc. for a project entitled "[M24-311] A Phase 2, Randomized Study to Evaluate Safety, Efficacy, and Optimal Dose of ABBV-400 in Combination with Fluorouracil, Folinic Acid, and Bevacizumab in Previously Treated Subjects with Unresectable Metastatic Colorectal Cancer." Total funding will be $1,830,069.
John Strickler of Oncology has received an award from AbbVie Inc. for a project entitled "A Phase 1 Open-Label Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of ABBV-400 in Select Advanced Solid Tumor Indications." Total funding will be $354,987.
John Strickler of Oncology has received an award from Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation for a project entitled "Dabrafenib + trametinib in patients w/rare BRAF V600E mutated solid tumor (CDRB436IIC01)." Total funding will be $81,585.