Request for ideas: Translating Duke Health Cardiovascular Disease Initiative

The Translating Duke Health Cardiovascular Disease Initiative is pleased to announce a call for proposals to identify areas for investment that will accelerate research in the area of Cardiovascular Resistance, Resilience and Rejuvenation.  Our goal is to build on existing Duke expertise and resources to create a small number of research ‘force multipliers’ or platforms for multidisciplinary work addressing important areas of unmet needs. We are looking for proposals across the continuum of bench to bedside to population health. Successful ideas will greatly enhance our environment for discovery and will have potential for both scientific and public health impact.

We are interested in identifying ‘health protection’ factors (vs risk factors), pathways and mechanisms that preserve or restore health, their mechanisms of benefit, and how they may be harnessed to yield testable interventions promoting CV health. Priority areas of focus are:

  • Defining and achieving cardiometabolic health over the life span
  • Resisting and repairing vascular injury
  • Reestablishing normal myocardial and ventricular functioning

This is a multi-stage process. At this time we are looking for Letters Of Intent (LOI) describing ideas regarding possible projects. Selected LOIs will be invited to submit a formal application including information about the concept, feasibility, impact, and strategies for future funding to the TDH CV Steering Committee. Finally, top finalists will defend their proposals verbally to the TDH CV Scientific Oversight Committee for final selection. We plan to make up to three high impact investments ranging from $1-3 Million based on the following criteria:

  • Likelihood of significantly transforming Duke’s capacity to address critical questions in cardiovascular health
  • Robustness of proposed research platform and its ability to accelerate investigation of the above priority areas
  • Opportunity to address multiple aspects of a problem and benefit investigators in diverse areas across campus
  • Articulation of how this project will attract significant additional funding  (government, industry, development) and be sustainable

Please include the following in the initial Letter of Intent:

  • Title page with contact information for corresponding PI
  • Listing of key participating investigators with schools and departments; including non-Duke  and industry investigators if applicable
  • Idea proposal that describes the concept including significance, approach, and impact, and includes at least two scientific ‘use cases’. (Limit two pages, inclusive of figures but not including citations, in Arial 11 font)
  • High level 3 year timeline, non-binding budget estimate (including partnership funding) and strategies for future funding  (Single page)

Deadline: Proposals must be received by 5 PM EST, August 1, 2018

Questions and completed applications should be submitted as one combined pdf file to:

Translating Duke Health is one of the signature programs animating Advancing Health Together, our Duke Health Strategic Planning Framework. Translating Duke Health is a multiyear, multidisciplinary program to capitalize on our collective strengths in research, clinical care and population health to address major health challenges. Additional information about Translating Duke Health is available at
