Residents volunteer at Durham homeless health day

By Anton Zuiker
Julia Gamble, MPH, FNP, at the Lincoln Community Health Center sent this note to Larry Greenblatt, MD and the residents who volunteered their time at the Healthcare for the Homeless Clinic in Durham on Oct. 7th:
Thanks for helping with the Healthcare for the Homeless medical clinic at the Project Homeless Connect event.  Thanks also to Steve Sumner, Rebecca Burke, and Reshmi Srinath who were so helpful and caring about these individuals.  We saw more than 20 patients and assisted them in getting access to important health care -- including for one an EMS assisted ride to the emergency room!  The primary problem faced by today's patients was a medical problem (generally hypertension) and an inability to pay for medications.  We were able to provide the clients with free medications and an appointment for primary care.  In fact, one of the insured patients made an appointment with one of the volunteering residents. I hope to have the opportunity to work with the Duke Medicine residents at next year's Project Homeless Connect.  They were helpful, astute, obviously skilled in medicine, and fun to work with.
Read this Herald-Sun article about the clinic.
