The Department of Medicine hosted Voices of Medicine, a live show featuring true stories from our faculty, trainees, and staff, on February 28, 2018. The theme of this show was humility.
If you missed it, you can view one of the stories today. We'll be adding more soon.
David Zaas, MD, MBA, is president of Duke Raleigh Hospital and associate professor of medicine in the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Zaas told his story about being diagnosed with leukemia and how important his family was to him during his treatment.
[video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX7bL4B50Qg&feature=youtu.be]
"I don't think I realized in 20 years of being a physician how lonely nights are in the hospital - a time when your mind races and thinks about things you don't want to think about." David Zaas, MD, MBA
Voices of Medicine is a collaboration between the Department of Medicine and The Monti, a local storytelling organization. We gather together to hear true stories from health care professionals sharing the experiences that inspired them to a life in medicine, or the interactions that give meaning to their careers in science and health.