Bari  Rosenberg
Senior Assistant Resident, Med-Peds
House Staff

Start Year: 2020


Boston, MA

Where did you attend university/college?

Where did you attend medical school?
Emory University School of Medicine

What are your career goals?
I hope to pursue a fellowship in combined pediatric and adult hematology/oncology, and focus my career on adolescent-young adult (AYA) acute leukemia.

I feel that even as an intern, the attending physicians I have worked with trust my clinical decision making, and I am given autonomy over my patients, while still knowing I have their support when I need it.

-Bari Rosenberg

Reflections on the Duke Program

What were you looking for in a residency program?
I was looking for a program with strong subspecialty training, and with leadership who valued my unique career goals. I was also looking for a program with a strong sense of community among the residents and between the residents and faulty.

What are the strengths of the Duke Program?
I felt immediately welcomed to Duke by program leadership, other residents, and everyone else working in the hospital.

What are your observations about the relationships between faculty and house staff?
I feel that even as an intern, the attending physicians I have worked with trust my clinical decision making, and I am given autonomy over my patients, while still knowing I have their support when I need it.

Tell us about your co-residents. What has helped you connect, support each other, and form friendships?
I truly believe my co-residents are THE MOST INCREDIBLE group of women I have ever met. From the first time we all met, there was an instant bond and sense of family, and I genuinely love and respect each of them!

What are your interests outside of medicine?
I love to cook and bake, travel the world, exercise, play with my dog, spend time with friends and family, and do home improvement projects!

House Staff
11801 Rockville Pike, Unit 606, Rockville, MD 20852