Union City, GA
Morehouse College
Medical School
Duke University School of Medicine
Advanced Degrees
Master of Business Administration - Fuqua School of Business
What are your career goals?
Undecided - I'm excited to pursue a career that allows me to embrace longitudinal relationships with patients as well as opportunities to implement high-value healthcare at the population level.
Reflections on the Duke Program
What were you looking for in a residency program?
Intentional mentorship, rigorous clinical training and opportunities to tailor my residency experience to my career goals.
What are the strengths of the Duke Program?
The Duke Family is kind, compassionate, and extremely down to earth. There are so many incredible people within the program, ranging from the program leadership and staff to its residents and hospital faculty! There is a supportive network of mentors and coaches --formal and informal--who help residents to blossom into their full potential.
Tell us about your co-residents. What has helped you connect, support each other, and form friendships?
Such a dynamic group of people with a myriad of life experiences! It has been such a joy to learn about my co-residents and their life stories! I have also enjoyed collaborating with them in the clinical context as I am constantly learning from them!
About Life in Durham
What is the best thing about living in Durham and the Triangle?
I often tell people that Durham is the "most convenient" place I've ever lived. Most places are 10-15 mins away, there's no traffic, and the natural scenery is beautiful! Did I mention that we're 2ish hours away from the mountains, beaches, and Charlotte?
How does the Triangle appeal to people of diverse backgrounds?
The Triangle is a diverse place with a growing population of people from various racial and socioeconomic backgrounds. Aside from Medicine, it has a rapidly growing technological and startup footprint. The Triangle has continued to expand while maintaining its Southern charm!
What are your interests outside of medicine?
I enjoy making new dishes, playing instruments (guitar, keyboard, clarinet), and playing (& watching) sports with friends! I also enjoy trying Triangle-based restaurants with friends!