Durham, NC
Duke University
Medical School
Duke University School of Medicine
What are your career goals?
I'm interested in pursuing a career in cardiology, currently deciding between general or advanced heart failure and transplant
Reflections on the Duke Program
What were you looking for in a residency program?
I was looking primarily for a program that would give me strong clinical training to prepare me for practice as a general internal medicine physician and/or for fellowship. Additionally, I wanted to be at a program with strong research support and a track record for outstanding mentorship and career development.
What are the strengths of the Duke Program?
Duke provides excellent diverse clinical training across multiple sites including a tertiary care hospital, VA hospital, community hospital, and outpatient clinics. The volume is high and you get good exposure to a range of conditions from the common to the most esoteric and rare zebras. To add to that, the community is very kind and supportive, everyone in the IM department and residency program is extremely nice and welcoming! People love to teach here.
What are your observations about the relationships between faculty and house staff?
Faculty and house staff have a very strong relationship. The faculty do a great job teaching and helping residents earn graduated autonomy to become independent clinicians. I always feel appropriately supervised but also given enough room to learn and grow on my own. Duke is an incredible place to train because it attracts the best and brightest from around the country and the world to come together and learn and develop together. Everyone who is here chose to come here for a reason and has a similar focus on thinking critically about health care and how to improve the delivery of equitable high-quality medical care to our patients.
Tell us about your co-residents. What has helped you connect, support each other, and form friendships?
My co-residents are extremely intelligent, driven, and down-to earth people! With such a big program there are a wide range of interests and activities so you can easily find someone to share your hobbies with! I've enjoyed playing basketball, pickleball, biking, and exploring Durham's breweries with my co-residents so far.
What has surprised you most about Duke?
I've been surprised by how knowledgeable the senior residents are. As an intern it seems unbelievable that I will amass that much knowledge in a few short years! It's a testament to the strength of the program that all the residents come out so well prepared after training.
About Life in Durham
What is the best thing about living in Durham and the Triangle?
So many things! The weather (still get all 4 seasons but winters are mild), the cost of living, the easy access to the beach and the mountains, the close proximity of different cities to explore in the Triangle (Raleigh and Chapel Hill). Also, as someone who is from the area it's great being close to family and being able to attend sporting events for my childhood favorite teams (Go Duke Blue Devils and Carolina Hurricanes!)
How does the Triangle appeal to people of diverse backgrounds?
There's something for everyone in the Triangle! The presence of 3 major research universities and several tech/life sciences/research companies in Research Triangle Park attracts people from all over the country and world to this region. Pro tip-head to Cary for the best Indian and Middle Eastern food around!
Where did you choose to live and why?
I live in a townhouse in South Durham with my wife who also works at Duke. It's a great central location for the triangle with easy access to Duke, Chapel Hill, and the airport. There are also a ton of great running and biking trails in close proximity!
What advice would you give to someone looking to move to Durham?
There's something for everyone here! Whether you're looking for a walkable downtown high-rise apartment building or a suburban single-family home with a yard, you can find it here. Everything is a close drive so if you do live a bit farther out from downtown and Duke the commute is very easy.
What are your interests outside of medicine?
I enjoy biking, playing pickup sports with my co-residents, and hanging out at breweries on my days off!