Sachiko  Oshima
Senior Assistant Resident
House Staff

Start Year: 2021


Columbus, OH

Where did you attend college/university?
Harvard University

Where did you attend medical school?
Duke School of Medicine

What are your career goals?
I am applying into Gastroenterology and have a specific interest in liver transplantation. I hope to have career that includes a meaningful amount of research in transplant disparities as well as clinical and teaching responsibilities.

Reflections on the Duke Program

What were you looking for in a residency program?
I was looking for a supportive program filled with people who take their work seriously, but don't take themselves too seriously.

What are the strengths of the Duke Program?
Going to medical school at Duke, I was already in love with the Duke and Durham communities. Duke Internal Medicine is filled with kind, intelligent, and dedicated people and I am grateful I get to be a part of the Duke Family!

What are your observations about the relationships between faculty and house staff?
Faculty are generous with their time and energy, taking time to get to know house staff while also teaching on the fly.

Tell us about your co-residents. What has helped you connect, support each other, and form friendships?
My co-residents are wonderful! They are one of my greatest support systems, and will be lifelong friends. We’ve bonded inside and out of the hospital through hikes, exploring restaurants, trips across the state, and of course bonding over long shifts in the hospital.

What has surprised you most about Duke?
The support from the upper level residents - I've learned so much from them!

About Duke University and Durham

What is the best thing about living in Durham and the Triangle?
The amazing hiking right outside the hospital doors.

How does the Triangle appeal to people of diverse backgrounds?
There are so many things to do in the Triangle - restaurants, museums, art, hiking - something for everyone!

Where did you choose to live and why?
I live in a house in South Durham that’s very conveniently halfway between Duke and UNC, since my partner works at UNC.

What are your interests outside of medicine?
I spend my days off with my family and friends, hiking, cooking, going to the farmer's market and searching for the perfect baguette. I love birding and you can find me sitting on my back porch with my binoculars some mornings.

House Staff