Start Year: 2020
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Where did you attend university/college?
Brown University
Where did you attend medical school?
Brown University
What are your career goals?
I am currently leaning towards gastroenterology, but have enjoyed all my rotations so far and look forward to exploring all of the specialties. I love spending time with patients and teaching, and I envision myself as a clinician educator in the future.
"I was looking for a rigorous training experience that would prepare me well to function independently as an internist, a robust research environment that would allow me to be involved in cutting-edge research, and a warm and supportive environment in which I would feel comfortable asking questions and making mistakes."
-Sukrit Jain
Reflections on the Duke Program
What were you looking for in a residency program?
I was looking for a rigorous training experience that would prepare me well to function independently as an internist, a robust research environment that would allow me to be involved in cutting-edge research, and a warm and supportive environment in which I would feel comfortable asking questions and making mistakes.
What are the strengths of the Duke Program?
The Duke Program offers exactly what I was looking for in a residency program. It provides a rigorous training experience through which I am confident I will become a skilled clinician. It offers numerous research opportunities with leading physicians in their field. Most importantly, it fosters a culture of collaboration in which we feel comfortable asking questions and making mistakes.
What are your observations about the relationships between faculty and house staff?
The faculty here are amazing!! They are always looking to teach and are very responsive to feedback on ways to improve the residency experience. They have been very willing to help, but have also been very comfortable allowing interns to take the lead in management of their patients.
Tell us about your co-residents. What has helped you connect, support each other, and form friendships?
My co-residents are fantastic! Unfortunately, COVID has limited our ability to meet as we normally would. Despite this, we've managed to have multiple zoom chats and small, socially distanced gatherings.
About Duke University and Durham
What has surprised you most about Duke?
How friendly everyone has been!! I sensed Duke's camaraderie on my interview day, but did not realize the extent of it. My co-interns are incredibly supportive. The entire staff, from nurses to case managers to therapists, have been so welcoming and willing to answer all our questions. And our attendings joke with us as peers.
What is the best thing about living in Durham and the Triangle?
I love the greenery and the weather. It's great being able to drive home with the sun shining bright and trees all around.
How does the Triangle appeal to people of diverse backgrounds?
There are many cultures represented in the population of the Triangle. For me functionally, this has meant that I have met people from many backgrounds and found excellent restaurants in a variety of cuisines.
Where did you choose to live and why?
I'm living on Ninth street because it's close to Duke Hospital and in an area with several restaurants, grocery stores, and a running trail all in a half-mile radius.
What are your interests outside of medicine?
I enjoy reading, watching movies/tv, playing board games, and watching and playing basketball and football.