Dear Friends and Colleagues:
Friday night, in historic Cameron Indoor Stadium, our coed IM Resident basketball team defends its victory in Carmichael Auditorium against the vaunted residents in Internal Medicine at UNC.
While those of us on the Faculty acknowledge and recognize the value of collaboration with our UNC colleagues in Research and Teaching, there are many amongst us whose pride in Duke Excellence spills over into the Athletic Arena, especially when it comes to the young men and women that we train to be outstanding Internists. And while we academics can make an argument that sports has become too powerful and overarching, we also know that a “healthy mind in a healthy body” goes back to my ancestors and this game is a manifestation of that credo.
This game is excellent stress management, not only for our gifted house staff who can play basketball, but for all of the former athletes on our Faculty whose success in sports helped their success in academics and Medicine. Finally, as my Yaya (Grandmother) used to say in Greek: “there is more room on the outside”.
In short, this game allows for the expression of emotions and sounds that are not permitted in most venues. Cameron Indoor Stadium is iconic and considered by many to be the Mecca of College Basketball. As we said in the 70’s, 'You can let your hair down in Cameron!' Opa!
So bring your friends and family and support our trainees who are not only scholars, but competitors. They would enjoy and appreciate your support.
As Shane Battier once said to our house officers at noon conference ( a Duke legend and friend of our House Officer, Jonathan Menachem, now a Cardiologist at Vandy): “we had them beat by the end of warmups”.
Let the size and sound of the Duke Blue Faculty contribute to victory before our men and women even tip off. Go Duke Internal Medicine!
Tony G