Each month I sit in on a meeting convened by the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (OEDI), led by Vice Dean, Kevin Thomas, and joined by other EDI leaders across the School of Medicine.

Of course, the purpose is to share information, resources, and opportunities, but most times, I leave this meeting invigorated to make change. As the Vice Chair for Faculty Development and Diversity in the Department of Medicine, I am tasked with sharing these updates and resources with you – but instead of just listing them out for you to navigate yourself, I am going to be contributing these in a blog format each month. So, what I provide you are the resources and information we discussed but I hope my additional thoughts or tangible ways you might find this information helpful invigorates you to continue to make change as well. Whether you are a faculty member, trainee, or staff – we all have a role in equity, diversity, and inclusion.
Feel free to always reach out to me with your thoughts or questions. We have many individuals in DEI roles within the Department of Medicine to ensure each area has a pulse on this topic.
Have a great month,
Report from EDI Leaders Meeting, January 26, 2023:
- EDI Data Navigator guide is available for access to existing data, dashboards, and reports and to provide expertise for analytics requests. Consultations with analyst Rebecca Redmond will be available starting in March 2023.
This tool can be utilized by business managers, EDI leaders and leaders within divisions or programs.
- Office of Institutional Equity offers:
- OIE liaison program with dedicated Department of Medicine liaisons, for local reporting and problem solving
- “Alternate Resolution Techniques” based on restorative practices (contact Leigh Anne Royster).
- Topic-specific Education and training – check out these workshops designed to provide education and support on key issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Open to all at Duke and could be especially helpful for DOM staff interested in increasing skill and workplace culture.
- Duke University Racial Equity Advisory Council (REAC) advises the Executive Leadership of the University (President, Provost, Chancellor of the Health System and the Executive Vice President). See plans and progress here.