Member of the Duke Cancer Institute
Lab Address:
2 Genome Ct. Rm 2045
Durham, NC 27710
Research Interests
The Crowley Lab explores immune-mediated mechanisms of target-organ damage in disease states such as hypertension and kidney fibrosis. Our work has focused on the contribution of type 1 angiotensin receptors in specific tissue pools to kidney and cardiovascular injury.
Recent work from the laboratory has characterized how inflammatory cells modulate end-organ injury and how AT1 receptors on bone marrow-derived cells regulate immune responses in the setting of hypertension.
Publications from Crowley Lab on Pubmed
Lab Members
Xiaohan Lu, BM, PhD
Medical Instructor, Department of Medicine (Duke)
Taylor Kress, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Former Lab Members
Saba Ali
Applying to medical school
Samantha Gould MD
(U of Toledo)
Maria Herrera MD
(U of Indiana Medical School, then faculty in Pediatrics)
Alex Jeffs MD
(UNC Medical School, Orthopedics Residency)
Norah Karlovich MD
(Duke Medical School, USCF Medicine Residency)
Will Lefler MD
Nephrology (Fort Collins, CO)
Alice Mao MD
(UCSF Medical School, Univ Washington Primary Care)
Benson Okeiyi MD
Hospitalist (Caromont Physicians)
Mehul Patel MD
Nephrology Practice (Charlotte)
Jamie Privratsky MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Independent Lab (Duke)
Jiafa Ren MD
Academic Research Scientist (China)
Justin Rucker MD
(Duke Medical School, Surgery Residency)
Nathan Rudemiller
Research Scientist (Bioagilytix)
Young-soo Song MD, PhD
Nephrologist, Burlington, MA
Greg Sprung MD
(Duke Medical School, Cardiologist in Littleton, Colorado)
Jiahui Su
Post-doctoral fellowship (Duke)
Kelsey Traunero MD
(Wake Forest Medical School, Penn Anesthesiology Residency)
Matthew Vasievich MD, PhD
(U of Michigan Dermatology, Cleveland Clinic)
Yi Wen MD
Academic Nephrology (Nanjing)
Min Wu
Med Res (Southeast U, Nanjing)
Bo Yang
Ongoing Medical Training (Shanghai)
Jiandong Zhang MD, PhD
Interventional Cardiology Fellow (UNC)