Drs. John Duronville, Margaret Plews-Ogan, and Gregory Clarke Townsend
The Phillips-Winn Memorial Lecture features keynote speaker John V. Duronville, MD, assistant professor of medicine, division of nephrology, and Stepping In 4 Respect leader. Joining Dr. Duronville are special guests Dr. Margaret Plews-Ogan and Dr. Gregory Clarke Townsend, both from the University of Virginia.
Stepping In 4 Respect is an IRB-approved multi-institution prospective quality improvement study to assess change in attitudes and behaviors toward discrimination/harassment.
Learning Objectives:
~ Understand the importance of Upstander intervention in the academic/medical work environment
~ Gain insight on the incidents of bias and disrespect in the medical environment both at Duke and nationally
~ Learn how Stepping In 4 Respect training is utilized to promote a culture of respect and inclusion
How to virtually connect to Grand Rounds: In-person/Hybrid Medicine Grand Rounds
In-person location: Trent Semans Center - Great Hall
• Join Zoom: https://duke.zoom.us/j/97543367627?pwd=Z1M2ZmMySEpkZmtBU2hHTUd0eU9LUT09
• Webinar ID: 975 4336 7627
• Passcode: 181825
• Dial by Phone: +1 301 715 8592
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds