During the 2013 Research Retreat, Bruce Peyser, MD, associate professor of medicine and medical director, Duke Primary Care at Pickett Road, shared the following tips for working with providers to recruit research participants:
10. If you are approaching us, explain your project and give perspective, educate us – why is it important?
9. Do not presume that we want to hear a long literature review or read your grant proposal. Give us a summary, a few bullet points. We get asked to participate in studies 1-8 times a year.
8. If possible, acknowledge our efforts in your publication.
7. It is hard for us to keep track of your protocol. Give us laminated cards that allow us to know the patients we are looking for.
6. Make it simple.
5. Give us an opportunity to join you and learn about the research project.
4. Do not anticipate that we have space available for your study coordinator. We are cramped; there's not a lot of space for people to spread out.
3. Don’t bypass us. (None of us likes to be ignored)
2. Do not expect our support staff or nurses to do your work.
1. Do compensate us and our clinic sites for the work that is performed and for the access to our patients.
Your Virtual Mentor is a service of the Vice Chair for Faculty Development and Diversity. This tip resulted from the Research Retreat 2013.