Three Department of Medicine faculty and one trainee have received funding from the Duke Center for Research to Advance Health Equity.
Charity Oyedeji, MD, a fellow in Hematology-Oncology, received an award from the center's Research Scholars Development Program, which supports early-stage investigators who are interested in conducting health disparities research. Dr. Oyedeji's project is "Disparities in advance care planning for adults with Sickle Cell Disease."
Three faculty received funding through the center's Research Voucher Program, which supplements currently funded research, or support standalone research projects conducted by faculty at any level and broadly related to the REACH Equity theme.
Clarissa Diamantidis, MD, MHS, assistant professor of medicine (General Internal Medicine), received voucher funding for "Racial and ethnic disparities in AKI incidence and outcomes following PCI."
Deborah Fisher, MD, MHS, associate professor of medicine (Gastroenterology), received voucher funding for "Cholecystectomy following choledocholithiasis: Effects of race/ethnicity in timeliness of surgery."
Julius Wilder, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine (Gastroenterology), received voucher funding for "The impact of race and ethnicity on listing for liver transplant after referral."
Additionally, Dr. Wilder received Transdisciplinary Think Tank Program funding, which provide support to bring together faculty across disciplines who have a common interest in addressing racial and ethnic disparities in the clinical encounter—an area where disparities are well-documented but evidence-based research identifying potential solutions is limited. His project is "Social network analysis and disparities in organ donation."