6/3/14: Resident Research Night

By admin2
The Department of Medicine's Internal Medicine Residency Program's Resident Research Night is set for 5 p.m. Tues., June 3 in the Great Hall of the Trent Semans Center. Check out this video from past events and plan to attend. The resident research poster session and reception will begin at 5 p.m., and talks will begin at 6 p.m. followed by presentations of the Califf Medicine Resident Research Awards. The following residents will give presentations ahead of the Califf Medicine Resident Research Awards:
  • Mandar A. Aras, MD, PhD, "Peripheral metabolite profiles predict cardiomyopathy in a cohort of cardiac catheterization patients"
  • Alexander Fanaroff, MD, "A simple predictive instrument to rule out acute coronary syndrome"
  • Laura W. Musselwhite, MD, MPH, "Vitamin D, D-dimer, IFNγ and sCD14 levels are independent predictors of IRIS in a prospective international study"
Resident Research Night is coordinated by Murat Arcasoy, MD, FACP, associate professor of medicine (Hematology) and associate program director for curriculum and resident research. Please plan to attend.
