Adams Presents at AMIA Symposium

Martha AdamsThe division’s Martha Adams, MD, is playing a leadership role in the American Medical Informatics Association symposium currently underway in Washington, DC. On Sunday, Adams is moderating a tutorial on qualitative research for nearly 100 interested participants. Adams will present additional lessons about IRB, privacy, and data governance in qualitative research involving listserv analysis. Adams drew these lessons from her own experience--for the past two years, Adams has managed a listserv merging interest groups in ethics, organizational issues, evaluation, and clinical information systems. The fruits of Adams’ research will also be the subject of a forthcoming article, "Learning from Colleagues about Healthcare IT Implementation and Optimization: Lessons from a Medical Informatics Listserv,” which was accepted for publication by the Journal  of Medical Systems. Later in the symposium, Adams will participate in an education panel about preparation gaps  for careers in informatics, focusing on the undergraduate level. “We’re starting to see all fields of medicine and healthcare coming to recognize the value of informatics experts,” Adams said, speaking from the conference. “Our work is only going to become more cross-disciplinary in the future.” Adams has served as a member of the AMIA board of directors for almost two years and has been chair of the Working Group Steering Committee, which oversees 24 working groups for the past five years.
