The School of Medicine is seeking applications for a voucher program that would facilitate access to PEDIGENE, the informatics system developed by the Duke Center for Human Genetics, by basic and translational researchers seeking a robust data management. The voucher of up to $7,500 will allow initial specification and development of a study-specific or laboratory-specific informatics system in collaboration with PEDIGENE staff and members of the study implementation group.
PEDIGENE is designed to implement best research practices in a flexible, secure and accessible software platform. This informatics system provides a backbone to allow the flow of data from hypothesis to data analysis to integration and inference. The system can connect specialized core resources to data generation and analysis for large and small projects alike, and along the way provide the opportunity for trainees to learn in a robust software environment. The PEDIGENE system is also linked to a study implementation group, an experienced group of senior staff to work with investigators to understand software needs, research workflows and presentation of results.
REQUIREMENTS: Applicants for funds must be Duke School of Medicine faculty members. The proposal must be accompanied by a brief note from the manager of the PEDIGENE Shared Resource (Barbara Due) attesting to the utility of PEDIGENE for the proposed application. We recommend that faculty meet with PEDIGENE staff prior to submitting the proposal to understand the requirements and to discuss timing of the work.
PROCESS: Investigators must prepare a one-page proposal describing the informatics needs for the research project or laboratory workflow and the utility of PEDIGENE for achieving the goals of the project (11 pt font, 0.5” margins). Completed application packets (Investigator name and contact information cover page, the one-page proposal, and the letter from the manager of the PEDIGENE Shared Resource) should be sent as a single pdf file to Chris Freel ( The deadline for submission is July 22, 2013.
FUNDS: Vouchers are not renewable or transferable. The funds are provided directly to the PEDIGENE facility to cover the costs for the approved project.
AWARDS: Proposals will be reviewed by a faculty committee chaired by the Vice Dean for Basic Science. The committee will be charged with selecting proposals that will benefit substantially from the use of the PEDIGENE system. Up to ten awards will be made depending on the application pool. Awards will be announced in early August.