Celebrating Sheroes in the Department of Medicine

The annual Women in Medicine Month each September is a national effort showcasing the accomplishments of women physicians, scientists, educators, and leaders in medicine.

This year, the Department of Medicine and the Program for Women in Internal Medicine will join in the celebration by highlighting women faculty and trainees as Sheroes.

Who is a Department of Medicine Shero? Sheroes are women faculty and trainees who exemplify excellence in their clinical work, leadership, research, community dedication, personal balance, and more.

Please join us in honoring these women colleagues who are an integral part of our three missions.

Nominate Your Shero

From now through the end of September, nominate a “Shero” using this form. You are welcome to nominate as many outstanding women as you wish – share how your Shero inspires you, and we will honor, highlight, and celebrate her throughout the month of September.

If you are talking about your Shero on Twitter, tag @DukeMedicine and use #WIMMonth.

Contact Dr. Suchita Shah Sata with additional questions.

2020 Department of Medicine Shero Nominations

The following nominations have been submitted as of Sept. 30, 2020. The nomination form has officially closed.

Shero Division or Program Name Why they are a Shero?

Nancy Bates Allen

Rheumatology and Immunology

Dr. Nancy Allen is one of the original Shero’s. Dr. Allen and her contemporaries founded what is now Duke PWIM. Dr. Allen crafted the first family leave policies for the Department of Medicine and worked tirelessly for many years to support and advance the careers of women at Duke University as vice provost. She has been a tireless advocate for all individuals from underrepresented groups in academia including racial minorities and members of the LGBTQ+ community. She always provides a kind word of support or a hand written note to let you know she’s thinking about you. She’s an incredible photographer. Nancy may actually be the nicest person I’ve ever had the honor to know. (Anonymous)

Dr. Allen was an incredible person to meet when I first started with the department. She was warm and approachable and a fount of resources. She was the original PWIM boss and still is an absolute Shero! (Suchita Sata)

Mashael Al-Hegelan

Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Al-Hegelan is someone I deeply respect on many levels: a great clinician, but also a highly effective leader. She has done an amazing job leading the DRH Critical Care Unit and will soon help in Raleigh too. All the while also working in the Duke MICU.; She has done so well what is in fact really challenging: build a cohesive, effective workforce comprised of surgeons, anesthesiologists, neurointensivists, and pulmonologists. Plus the work culture she has cultivated is highly regarded; Duke is lucky they have Mashael! (Christopher Cox)

Carey Anders

Medical Oncology

Dr. Anders is truly remarkable oncologist, treating every patient with sincere compassion and care. Her expertise is second to none and she leads with grace and confidence. I admire her ability to dedicate so much of her life to medicine while also being an amazing to her daughter Chloe. I am so lucky to partner with her in the care of our patients. (Jennie Petruney)

Gow Arepally


Dr. Arepally is an outstanding member of the Division, successful scientist, and taking on a leadership role in our fellowship program. Excellent mentor as a successful scientist and educator. (Tom Ortel)

Carolyn Avery

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Avery is a med-peds faculty member, and the Medical Director at the Duke Clinic at N. Roxboro Street that houses the Med-Peds Faculty and Resident primary care practice and the main Duke Children's Primary Care Faculty and Resident primary care practice. When COVID-19 hit, Dr. Avery had to create new processes in clinic to accommodate the unpredictable challenges, and she had to pivot in different directions in the ever-changing landscape of new knowledge related to COVID - always putting the safety and care for our patients and for the faculty, residents, and staff first. Dr. Avery was instrumental in facilitating the opening of COVID tent testing for our pediatric and adult patients at the N. Roxboro St Clinic. In the midst of all this, she recently received a grant from the AAP for a collaborative project to support vulnerable families. (Jane Trinh)

Christina Barkauskas

Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Barkauskas has done it all during during the COVID-19 pandemic. She was one of our most active rounding attendings in the DUH MICU, providing world class care to her patients and leadership/teaching to her team. Additionally, she enrolled many patients into clinical trials at DUH, DRH and DRAH during the COVID pandemic. This was often in her “off time.” She did this all while continuing to deal with the very different challenges of a lab, busy clinic and family over the past months. She is brilliant in so many ways, clearly devoted to excellence, a valued team member by all and one of the kindest people I know. (Dan Gilstrap)

Dr. Barkauskas has poured herself into COVID-19 research endeavors, spending her off time at all 3 Duke hospitals engaging with families and patients and colleagues regarding potentially game-changing COVID-19 therapies. She has a lovely way about her when consenting patients for clinical trials, melding professionalism, science and humanity in all the right ways. She is smart, patient and takes her time with every aspect of the work and has served as one of my unofficial mentors. Definitely one of my SHEROs! (Noel Ivey)

Amy Barto


Dr. Barto joined Duke a couple of years ago, but honestly - it feels that she has been here forever! She started the FMT program for our department and carries a sharp can-do enthusiasm every day while wrangling twins. I was lucky to have Dr. Barto "assigned" as my mentor when I joined faculty as she has truly supported my career development. She has always been a great source of advice on complex patients as she has practiced IBD for over a decade. She supported my PA/NP when I was on maternity leave and continuously volunteers when clinical needs come up. She is a wonderful person and outstanding clinician. We were lucky to recruit her from Massachusetts. (Cecelia Zhang)

Katie Batley

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Batley is an outstanding hospitalist who now heads up our program for high utilizers for hospital medicine. Through this program she is responsible for developing care plans for patients who often have behavioral issues in the hospital or have medical complexities resulting in frequent utilization. This work can be hard but Katie always does it with grace and compassion. Thank you Katie! (Anonymous)

Satasuk (Joy) Bhosai

General Internal Medicine

We are so glad that after graduating from Duke, Dr. Bhosai decided to join our team at Duke Raleigh. She is an amazing clinician, a perfect example of how women can be innovators in medicine. She owns the digital space and has worked so diligently during Covid times to help bring innovative changes to the patients. She continued to see Covid patients and helped her team in any way possible. She is a SHERO! Thank you Joy for all you do everyday! (Anonymous)

Jackie Bolwell

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Bolwell is a tremendously reliable and competent hospitalist, rock solid internist, and consummate team-player. She is a core member of the nocturnist group at DUH, and never flinches in the face of a deluge of patients. Handles stress with poise and thoughtfulness, always communicating with her colleagues. (Jim Howard)

Amanda Boyd

Fellow, Gastroenterology

Dr. Boyd was the VA chief resident at the beginning of the COVID pandemic. She worked extra long hours in those months to make sure the VA was prepared for a potential onslaught of patients and that residents rotating at the VA would remain as safe as possible throughout this period. Throughout the year, she was consistently thoughtful and compassionate in advocating for the residents, both outwardly and behind the scenes. She never seemed to tire of coming up with ideas for improving well-being among residents! (Caroline Sloan)

Danielle Brander

Hematologic Malignancies and Cellular Therapy

Dr. Brander is the epitome of a role model and mentor. She goes above and beyond for everyone she interacts with including patients, their families, her colleagues and her mentees. She works tirelessly to provide the absolute best care for patients while also excelling in research. Admirably, she works to make her mentees shine and succeed by helping to foster opportunities for authorship, grants, and new research opportunities. (Andrea Sitlinger)

Dr. Brander is a caring and compassionate clinician investigator and director of our CLL/Lymphoma Program. She is a nationally recognized leader in the field of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and is dedicated to excellent care for her patients as well as translating research for new therapies for CLL. She is also very involved in the community with her partnership with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Lastly, when I read patient comments from our patient satisfaction reports, Dr. Brander gets by far the most comments, and it is clear that every one of her patients love her. She gives each and every one of her patients the level of attention and care that all of us want in a physician. (Gabriel Alcantra)

Megan Brooks



General Internal Medicine




Dr. Brooks is the 4-1 medical director and in late winter 4-1 got rapidly repurposed from an interprofessional General Medicine unit to our DRH COVID unit. New isolation protocols, Testing algorithms, patient visitation policies, CDC guidance and hospital wide and health systems protocols Change on a daily basis making this role one of the the most challenging front lines positions. Dr. Brooks worked tirelessly with hospital medicine colleagues, nursing, patient safety, infection prevention and DRH hospital leadership to get 4-1 ready. As COVID cases began to Increase Dr. Brooks was a constant presence on the unit whether she was caring for PUI and COVID positive patients or checking on staff, running mock COVID code blues, promoting telehealth use or troubleshooting the many obstacles that come up as we trudge through this pandemic. Dr. Brooks does all of this with determination, intelligence and critical thinking without losing sight of empathy for her team, our patients and their families.  Dr. Brooks goes above and beyond to support her team. She is a respected leader and my COVID rockstar SHERO!! (Anonymous)

As Unit Medical Director of 4-1, the DRH COVID-19 unit, Dr. Brooks has demonstrated incredible leadership and vision in partnering with nursing to help our teams provide outstanding care to patients with COVID-19. She has worked tirelessly to develop clinical workflows, participate in capacity planning, provide education to nurses and providers, implement telemedicine technologies, promote collaboration between providers and nursing on her unit, and spearhead research projects even in the midst of a pandemic. Dr. Brooks has provided a constant and reassuring presence during a very stressful time and has contributed to the success of the high functioning team on 4-1. We are extremely fortunate to have had such an effective leader in place to help navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, and thanks to her efforts we are well positioned to continue to provide excellent care to COVID-19 patients going forward. (Adam Wachter)

Ann Brown

Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Nutrition

Dr. Brown has advised me at many different stages of my career and I am always grateful for the way in which she unpacks problems. She can organize my anxious over-thinking into a few clear questions that are easy to answer. Many years ago when I was making a decision about my career path she asked me, "why would you work so hard for a career that you don't want?". The answer to that question led me to a job that I love; I wake up excited to go to work each day. (Cary Ward)

Marie Carlson

General Internal Medicine

When Covid-19 breaks out, and you are a physician with a bone marrow transplant for leukemia, do you stop working? Not if you are Marie Carlson, MD. You repurpose, quickly transition to telework, and wind up working even harder to help coordinate your hospital ramping down and and then ramping back up. Dr. Carlson's story is now internationally known through sharing her story in JAMA "A Piece of My Mind", which was republished in May, 2020 as one of the top 40 contributions over the past 10 years of weekly JAMA issues. Dr. Carlson's story continues on. She has been a unifying force for the Durham VA, exclusively teleworking but seemingly omnipresent, to help us get back to where we hope to be. She is widely respected, loved by all, and an inspiration to each and every one of us. (David Simel)

Anisha Chandiramani

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Chandiramani is an energetic and amazing person and doctor. She is such a great communicator which makes her a great teacher. I have never seen teaching scores from a new attending like the ones I saw for her this year. Her residents (in their anonymous evaluations) were clearly actively campaigning for more teaching time for her. Beyond teaching, she has been engaged in making patient care safer through her informatics training. She led our initiative on safety gaps which is a truly innovative way to display safety data while rounding. I am always energized when I leave a meeting with this Shero! (Anonymous)

Lingye (Nina) Chen

Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Chen is an absolutely incredible colleague, talented researcher, and great clinician. Yet the reason I'm nominating her is also a reason I respect her so much: she is a fearless, dynamic presence in the MICU who does not back down to anyone or any situation. And by saying this I don't mean stubborn or obstructive--I actually mean this in the best possible sense.; I think she is a great role model for housestaff and attending alike. She is exactly what makes the MICU awesome. (Christopher Cox)

Dana Clifton

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Clifton is an amazing do-it-all faculty member. In the past year she launched Project Comet which revolutionized care for our patients who suffer from Opiate Use Disorder while they are hospitalized as inpatients for their acute medical issues. She has helped shepherd over 15 faculty members through waiver training, develop protocols for initiation of suboxone and integrated a social worker into our team structure to assist in the transition of these patients out of the hospital. More recently, she has started to treat pregnant mothers too. She serves as a mentor to many of our faculty. She is also an associate director for pediatric medical student education and now our QI associate medical director for our Hospitalist group. I am lucky to work with this Shero! (Anonymous)

Megan Clowse

Rheumatology and Immunology

Dr. Clowse is an amazing scientist and mentor. She has so many great ideas to study, and she always stays grounded in her desire to make patients' lives better. She is a wonderful mentor who helps to promote her mentees and expects them to do their absolute best work, and expects more of them than they thought they could do. (Lisa Criscione-Schreiber)

Ann Collier

Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Collier is one of the resources I go to when I need help with my allergy patients. She patiently answers all the questions and is willing to go an extra mile. I love working with her! (Sangeeta Joshi)

Cathleen Colon-Emeric


Dr. Colon-Emeric has been a phenomenal leader for the geriatrics division during, before and during this pandemic. She has a keen skill for lifting those around her to their greatest potential, and creating a supportive environment during these difficult times. We are lucky to have her as a colleague and leader. (Anonymous)

Kathleen Cooney

Chair of the Department of Medicine, Medical Oncology

Dr. Cooney has shown me that you can be a leader while still showing the world your authentic self. (Cary Ward)

Leonor Corsino

Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Nutrition

Dr. Corsino is a tireless advocate and always driving everyone to do better and be better. Well-deserved recent promotion to be in a position to lead advocacy for medical students. (Anonymous)

Lisa Criscione-Schreiber

Rheumatology and Immunology

Dr. Criscione-Schreiber is an incredible leader, compassionate physician and exemplary program director; Through her role as Program Director of Rheumatology, she consistently advocates for fellows and is thoughtful at helping provide tailored guidance and advice to ensure we reach our career goals. Her dedication to the Division of Rheumatology and fellows inspires me every day. She is always willing to talk and provide a helping hand and exemplifies the qualities of compassion, collegiality and professionalism. I'm so incredibly proud and grateful to have been a fellow under her leadership as PD, and thrilled to nominate her as my #Shero for the month of September! (Mithu Maheswaranathan)

I have worked with Dr. Criscione-Schreiber in various capacities. She always brings a unique perspective to the table. In addition she has this amazing ability to calmly but firmly narrate it. She lead PWIM very effectively. In addition she is generous with her time and always willing to help! (Sangeeta Joshi)

Anna Lisa Crowley


As the Cardiology Program Director, Dr. Crowley has demonstrated a tireless dedication to her trainees, both on an individual level and to the program as a whole. She is an inspirational leader who always makes herself available and goes above and beyond not only to enhance the quality of the training program yet, more importantly, to increase the wellness of her fellows. Her dedication to our education in the rotation she partakes in (echo, MRI) is unparalleled. She is a compassionate person who is always thoughtful, caring, and kind. Definitely a #Shero that needs to be recognized! (Anonymous)

Dr. Crowley, serves as a role model for so many faculty members. she is enthusiastic, hardworking, fun and works relentlessly in area of medical education, research and patient care. i always learn something new around her! She is a true SHERO! (Sangeeta Joshi)

Susan Dent

Medical Oncology

Dr. Dent has worked tirelessly to build a cardio-oncology program at Duke and has revamped clinical research in Breast Medical Oncology. (James Abbruzzese)

Tatyana Der

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Der is an amazing physician who truly cares and advocated for her patients. She has been working diligently and spend many extra hours on her own time to take care of her Covid patients. She has made sure that they all have been informed about all the possible trials available and are enrolled in the one that's right for them. She continues to watch out for the best interest of her patients and puts them before anything and everything. Thank you Dr. Tatyana Der for all your hard work, diligence and dedication/commitment. (Anonymous)

Clarissa Diamantidis

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Diamantidis is always looking to ensure equity is achieved in the workplace. She is always pushing med students, fellows, residents, and faculty to achieve more and importantly to be confident in how they approach their career and future. Clarissa is a leading voice in the intersection between primary care, patient education, and nephrology. She is making a huge impact to improve how patients are able to understand and interpret kidney disease. This work is incredibly important to diminish disparities in medicine and nephrology. We are lucky to have Clarissa at Duke. Cannot not thing of a more deserving person. (Matt Sparks)

Anna Mae Diehl


Dr. Anna Mae Diehl is a physician scientist and an international leader in hepatology. She has conducted seminal research in many areas, including liver regeneration, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. She was the first woman to serve as the Chief of the Duke Division of Gastroenterology from 2004 until 2014. Dr. Diehl has been a tremendous role model, and she has mentored a generation of young scientists. Her numerous awards include the Sheila Sherlock Award from the British Society of Gastroenterology, the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Distinguished Achievement Award, and the 2017 Distinguished Faculty Award from the Duke Medical Alumni Association. (Andrew Muir)

Kimberley Evans


Dr. Evans is a powerhouse. She has done so much in defining the future of the Department. She runs MRRC and created the 2nd-look weekend. She is a resource for all of the trainees and a personal advocate as well. She gives freely of her time and talents to support career development for both trainees and faculty. (Anonymous)

Colby Feeney

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Feeney has been a leader in med-peds, in her role as associate program director for the Med-Peds Residency program and in her role as a Med-Peds hospitalist. She has created an innovative curriculum to provide education to trainees on how to best transition patients from pediatric to adult care, and she has been developed the Med-Peds Service line on gen med to help in the care of adult patients with complex pediatric diseases. She has been a great role model and support to the residents! (Jane Trinh)

I would like to nominate Dr. Feeney for Duke Hospital Shero award. Colby has done so many amazing things as a medicine/pediatrics attending physician. I am so excited about her current work in the medicine/pediatrics inpatient service line which addresses the needs of adolescent and young adult patients as they transition from pediatrics to medicine with chronic illnesses. She is dedicated to this area, compassionate to these patients and their families, and has created a great service for them and for Duke Hospital. She's a true leader, as she is focused on the mission of providing excellent care, being calm in challenging circumstances, and exceptionally bright. she juggles so much professionally and personally and does it with grace and style. I truly enjoy working with her as a colleague and she is a true Shero for us at Duke Hospital. (Anonymous)

Preeshini Fernando

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Fernando is relatively new to our program but she has been such a positive force from day one. She joined us in the middle of the pandemic and has not shied away from jumping right onto the front lines. From the onset, she has volunteered to be on the Covid unit, wanting to be on the front lines to help this patient population. She is always so positive and never waivers from her commitment to her patients. She's an an inspiration and a Shero! (Anonymous)

Terry Fortin


Dr. Fortin is incredible. The consummate clinician, ominipresent during emergencies, always a great teacher, always willing to help. Goes out of her way to share clinical recommendations. She even had some Twitter notoriety when a new intern confused her name for a new drug that was life-saving! Terry Fortin is a lifesaving Shero. (Anonymous)

Liza Genao


Dr. Genao has provided tremendous leadership during this pandemic in creating an infrastructure for us to safely care for our older adult patients in clinic through telehealth. It hasn't been easy to maneuver all the technical and caregiver obstacles, but she has constantly been reviewing feedback and thinking of innovative solutions so that we can continue to provide quality care. (Anonymous)

Dr. Genao has developed a new Intensive Medical Spanish elective for the Medical Students that she is launching this Fall, and is working with community leaders to reduce health disparities in COVID-19 among the Latinx population. (Cathleen Colon-Emeric)

Aubrey Jolly Graham

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Graham is an incredible colleague and has continued to step up to the challenges of being a clinician in the times of COVID. As a leader in the Hospital Medicine group, she actively works to help our team in many ways. But it is not only the patients and faculty at Duke that benefit from her being a part of our team. She has worked with the School to adjust the coursework she leads as a part of students returning to campus. And she leads our efforts with the SNF collaborative to allow patients leaving Duke to transition in a safer, more comprehensive manner. I was privileged to be one of her residents early in my time at Duke and am even more privileged to be considered her colleague today. (Nilesh Patel)

Alexandra Grand

Fellow, Nephrology

Nine clinical fellows are women in Nephrology, including Dr. Grand. All work tirelessly caring for our sick patients and work together as a great team. (Anonymous)

Sarah Goldstein

Fellow, Cardiovascular Disease

Dr. Goldstein has taken it upon herself as a fellow to almost single-handedly build what has already become a thriving Cardio-Obstetrics clinic and inpatient consultative service, fostering multidisciplinary collaborative relationships along the way. She has already established herself as an indispensable resource to the obstetric teams taking care of these complex patients, and I have witnessed her instantly establish rapport and trust with women and families unexpectedly facing some very complex and frightening medical situations. Furthermore, she has worked tirelessly to establish productive research relationships with collaborators in other countries, advancing our understanding of congenital heart disease and pregnancy. I'm impressed by her intelligence, her work ethic, and the thoughtful care and tenacious advocacy she provides her patients. (Anonymous)

Dedicated Mom and MD, Dr. Goldstein has created a new clinical program as a trainee and it has grown quickly in a short amount of time. Despite being on call 24/7 for this service she also manages to be a super mom. (Marc Samsky)

Katherine Hall


Dr. Hall has developed an exercise program for patients with PTSD that reduces symptoms and psychoactive medication use! (Cathleen Colon-Emeric)

Liz Hankollari

General Internal Medicine

This is a hero nomination for our good colleague, Dr. Hankollari. Liz is so talented she has projects and interests going on in so many areas and she does them all very well. She is multifaceted, multitasking, and does it all very well. She is a lead physician for the procedure service, not only being expert at bedside procedures using ultrasound but also teaching learners how to do this. She has bailed me out with my patients many times by getting a procedure done to help advance & improve care for patientst. She's recognized as an outstanding educator and learners love working with her and learning from her. She's also developing leadership skills and now is unit medical director for respiratory unit on 8W. She has done so well in hospital medicine and has a very bright future and is a true Shero for us. (Anonymous)

Nicki Hastings


Dr. Hastings is leading a national dissemination of hospital walking programs for older adults across the VA, reducing length of stay and disability. (Cathleen Colon-Emeric)

Racquel Holmes

Fellow, Nephrology

Nine clinical fellows are women in Nephrology, including Dr. Holmes. All work tirelessly caring for our sick patients and work together as a great team. (Anonymous)

Irma Hussain

Fellow, Nephrology

Nine clinical fellows are women in Nephrology, including Dr. Hussain. All work tirelessly caring for our sick patients and work together as a great team. (Anonymous)

Noel Ivey






General Internal Medicine






Dr. Ivey is an amazing hospitalist at Duke Hospital. She has truly led us during the COVID pandemic and provided much help for our teams around resiliency. She has helped create a safe space for our providers to discuss their concerns. She has led with calmness and compassion. She was one the first hospitalists to work on the COVID unit and bravely threw herself right into that work. Now, she is working diligently as an associate investigator on some of the COVID trials to enroll patients in COVID resaerch studies at Duke. She is truly a Shero. (Anonymous)

Dr. Ivey is truly an exemplary role model and excels in all realms of clinical care, leadership, research, and interpersonal skills. She played a pivotal role in the Duke Hospital Medicine's COVID19 response, volunteering numerous times to round clinically on the COVID unit and setting an example of bravery and leadership for our younger team members. Despite not having a research background, she has become involved in COVID clinical research and is one of the investigators on the IRB for the ACCT3 trial. She has also taken on the role of co-chair of the Wellness Committee for our team, sending out weekly emails with tips and info for healthy living, relaxation and humor to boost group morale.   Noel also is one of the co-leaders of the COMET opioid misuse consult service and this year she was instrumental in implementing suboxone therapy to pregnant patients with opioid misuse disorder. This work has resulted in several National posters.    Not surprisingly, all of her work this year led to her promotion to Assistant Professor of Medicine, and she was also named Duke's "Top Hospitalist" for the 4th quarter of 2020.    She routinely receives compliments and comments from her patients and co-workers about her empathy, compassion, and team player attitude. I can think of few women as well rounded as Dr. Ivey or as worthy of being named a "Shero". (Tara Spector)

Dr. Ivey is absolutely incredible—at all of the things she does. Time and time again, she has been a hero for our group. Before COVID, it was organizing us for the local ACP conference and helping lead our COMET service. While doing all of this, she has taken on clinical service on the COVID wards and led efforts to make our group more connected and resilient during this time. It is a privilege being one of her colleagues. (Nilesh Patel)

Feerozeh Jahanshahi

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Jahanshahi is a wonderful person to work with, caring, positive attitude, calm under pressure, and always looking out for her colleagues and patients. It's just such a pleasure working with her that she deserves to be recognized for it. (Jim Howard)

Nicole Jelesoff

Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Nutrition

Dr. Jelesoff is a consummate academic clinician who maintains a busy practice, provides expert and compassionate care, and always makes time to teach students, residents, fellows and junior colleagues. Her calm, patient demeanor and skills in problem solving and organization anchor the DH endocrinology clinic. Her insights and experience are invaluable, and her steadiness and reliability essential. A genuine star. (Anonymous)

Kimberly Johnson


Dr. Johnson has been working tirelessly her whole career to reduce health disparities among Black older adults. This summer she has tackled COVID-19 disparities, and is also a leader in helping Duke become an anti-racist institution. (Cathleen Colon-Emeric)

Swapna Joseph

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Joseph joined our team at Duke Raleigh in April right when Covid was a huge concern and things were changing by the day. She spearheaded our PAT clinic and as the director had a lot of moving parts and pieces to juggle. Not only did she handle the transition perfectly but now continues to make innovative changes helping us move forward. She is a collaborator at core and has been working with the surgeons to continue our commitment to better and safer patient care. She is a SHERO and a leader with a vision. Thank you for everything you do everyday. (Anonymous)

Aparna Kamath

General Internal Medicine

Dr Kamath's appointment as DRH Associate Chief Medical Officer in April 2020 was incredibly important in helping our teams prepare for and manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr Kamath's leadership skills have been critical in developing and implementing COVID-19-related operational changes at DRH over the past several months. Dr Kamath has partnered effectively with nursing, infection prevention, hospital medicine, ICU, ED, and other departments in operationalizing COVID-19 testing and management workflows, and has been a champion of inpatient telemedicine solutions that have positively impacted patients and providers alike. She has been an accessible and responsive leader who has valued the input of frontline staff and taken their concerns to higher levels of leadership to enact change and promote a cycle of continuous improvement and progress in our systems of care. We are extremely fortunate to have a leader of Dr Kamath's caliber at DRH helping to lead our teams during COVID-19. (Adam Wachter)

Dr. Kamath is my DRH SHERO!! She is been an invaluable partner to me during the COVID pandemic and has helped to be the operational partner to translate Infection Prevention recommendations into practice at Duke Regional. She has been a wonderful advocate for all teams and I am so appreciative of her support! (Sarah Lewis)

As first associate medical director for quality and safety and now associate CMO at Duke Regional, Dr. Kamath is a tireless advocate for improving the safety of patients and staff and improving quality of care. She continues to work clinically on the frontlines and brings this experience to improving systems of care. She consistently involves front line staff in problem solving and really listens to their feedback. The result is significantly improved quality that doesn't forgot where patient care is delivered and who delivers it unlike other initiatives that that can miss the reality of patient care when trying to implement initiatives. She also always takes the concerns of front line staff seriously and listens - a quality that is not as common as would be ideal. (Anonymous)

Rania Kazan

General Internal Medicine

My Shero nomination is for Dr. Kazan. Rania is amazing. She is one of the hardest working physicians I know. She goes the extra mile totally for her patients. No one is more detailed and process focused than Rania in perfecting a discharge so that bad events don't happen after discharge. She is the role model for this. She's very caring for her colleagues. I will never ever forget when I was working on the COVID unit early in the pandemic and she brought food and optimism and good cheer to the providers and the nurses on that unit. It meant so much.. That is who Rania is – caring, compassionate, bright, hard-working. She's a true Shero for Duke Hospital. (Anonymous)

Joanna Kipnes

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Kipnes does amazing things. As lead physician working with utilization management and Dir. of the physician advisor program she manages to get things done for our patients and our health system that seem impossible. She effectively communicates with insurance payer medical directors, negotiating for the correct care to be provided for the patient, and does it much better than anyone I've seen. She's grown this physician advisor program from a concept into a very well-functioning group providing utilization management support and payer appeal processes across our three hospitals. She does this while still managing a clinical workload and balancing family roles at home. She is truly amazing and is a Shero to all of us. (Anonymous)

Emily Ko

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Ko is my SHERO!! As COVID hit she leaped into action! Dr. Ko first worked tirelessly to train our COVID unit teams on rapid responses and Code Blues. She educated our hospital medicine teams on new protocols on how to safely take care of a decompensating COVID patient. After revamping and drilling these new COVID protocols Dr. Ko switched gears and focused on COVID clinical trials. Emily has worked with Infectious Disease colleagues, clinical trials teams to get our DRH patients access to COVID trials. As we take care of COVID patients one overriding theme is hopelessness at the lack of effective treatments. Under the guidance of Dr. Ko and her research teams we have the opportunity to enroll our patients in clinical trials. This gives me a hope as a physician! Our patients have access to COVID trials, new potentially effective treatments and as a team we are contributing to the greater body of knowledge. In addition to her expertise and hard work, she is an excellent mentor and friend. She is always there to listen, provide sound advice and eager to cry/laugh/brainstorm through a dilemma. Thank you to Emily Ko for all that she does! (Danielle Richardson)

Dr. Ko has long been an excellent clinician at DRH and as a co-chair of our code blue committee she has been at the forefront of improving our code and RRT processes through education and simulation but during COVID she has been a leader in developing our new interprofessional COVID code protocols, rapidly organizing mock COVID codes on all shifts to allow providers and staff to familiarize themselves with new protocols BEFORE these situations happened in real life. If that wasn't enough, Emily is also a research in immunology and has worked tirelessly to bring multiple research trials to Duke Regional. This expands the reach of clinical trials to allow more enrollment, eases stress on transfers within the health system by allowing patients to access trials at their current location (which given the disproportionate number of patients with COVID at DRH has been crucial) and she has gotten frontline staff at both Duke Regional and Duke Raleigh involved as facilitators and co investigators. This has eased stress on the CRC staff and served to further the careers and experience of junior faculty. (Megan Brooks)

Thuy Le

Infectious Diseases

Dr. Le runs a global health research program and is going to be someone who could help prevent the next pandemic. (Anonymous)

Alexandra Lee

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Lee is my Shero because she has been so compassionate with her patient care and so invested in her self improvement. She is always thoughtful, hard working and constantly striving to get better. Our patients could not ask for a better person to advocate for them. (Anonymous)

Grace Lee

Duke Internal Medicine Residency

Dr. Lee is a ray of sunshine that brightens everyone's day! She embraces everyone into the #dukefamily and loves to share her joy with others. She is a fierce patient advocate and supports her fellow residents passionately. Grace is a kind teacher and excellent leader for her teams. She is a true shero! (Samantha Dizon)

Patty Lee

Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

As a leader Dr. Lee thinks outside the box and brings her unique problem solving skills! She is a true hero of our division! (Sangeeta Joshi)

Sarah Lewis

Infectious Diseases

Dr. Lewis has shown exemplary leadership within the Duke Health System even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the ensuing chaos of the pandemic played out, her innovative approach to resource allocation, pragmatic management of multiple disciplines and clear expertise within epidemiology and pandemic mitigation made her a priceless asset to Duke. Not only is she excellent at clinical and administrative leadership, she is able to promote trainee education and has a long history of academic productivity that is inspiring. She deserves a thousand cheers and is a major Duke, local and national SHERO. Kudos to Dr. Sarah Lewis! (Anonymous)

Milta Little


Dr. Little is bringing Cognitive Stimulation Therapy programs to older adults living with Dementia in Durham! (Cathleen Colon-Emeric)

Anika Lucas

Fellow, Nephrology

Dr. Lucas is currently a 3rd year fellow in Nephrology. She has been steadfast in her efforts to reduced disparities in the workforce of Nephrology and in patients with kidney disease. She served as an intern on the American Society of Nephrology Diversity and Inclusion Committee where she was instrumental in society-wide efforts. She is currently the chair of the Duke Women in Nephrology group. Anika is seen as a role model for all fellows and faculty. Her efforts to understand factors driving poor outcomes for pregnant women with lupus earned her a prestigious American Kidney Fund scholar award. Only 2 are award in the entire field. I wholeheartedly endorse Anika for a Shero award. (Matt Sparks)

Nine clinical fellows are women in Nephrology, including Dr. Lucas. All work tirelessly caring for our sick patients and work together as a great team. (Anonymous)

Patricia Lugar

Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Lugar is a very talented immunologist and patients come from all over country to seek opinion from her. She gives her best and always available to help everyone. Trish is an unsung hero!! (Sangeeta Joshi)

Rebecca Lumsden

General Internal Medicine

I was lucky enough to be Dr. Lumsden's attending on the Gen Med wards when she was a resident and am even luckier to be considered one of colleagues as a hospitalist. I can’t imagine the stress of starting a new career in the setting of COVID. Not only does Becca do that with steadfast positivity, but she has been able to take on our extraordinarily high volumes and new workflows while maintaining the highest standards of being a clinician. All in all, Becca is absolutely extraordinary. (Nilesh Patel)

Xunrong Luo


Dr. Luo is the Director of Translational Research at the Duke Transplant Center. She is an outstanding role model and mentor for colleagues and trainees, a prolific researcher, and a strong advocate for kidney and pancreas transplant patients. Dr Luo's research is advancing the field of solid organ transplantation. A true Shero! (Carol Traynor)

Stacey Maskarinec

Infectious Diseases

Dr. Maskarinec has been a great support, friend, and mentor. I am a fellow in Infectious Diseases pursuing translational research, and it is extremely helpful to have role models in academic medicine who demonstrate how to be a successful physician-scientist and also take the time to promote and help others, particularly other women. Dr. Maskarinec is still early in her academic career and yet already has a strong and successful background in Infectious Diseases basic research. We have successfully navigated CRTP courses together, and she has offered me both personal and career advice, recommendations for grant funding, tips on board exam preparation, and support when I was feeling overwhelmed or unsure of whether to apply for a particular opportunity. She deserves to be recognized for her efforts. (Julie Steinbrink)

Anne Mathews

Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Mathews is an incredible doc who really helped lead the COVID response at Duke. She worked incredibly hard in both the Duke ICU and the DRH ICU--she was often covering for others and going above and beyond constantly. And this while doing clinic, wards, pulmonary rehab, etc. Despite all her overtime work, she somehow found time to help author the Duke COVID management guide for seriously ill patients. This served as the reference guide / gold standard for care. It is no coincidence that MICU outcomes have been better than expected. But it's important to also emphasize that Anne does all of her amazing work with an incredible attitude, a great sense of humor, and humility that endear her to every single member of the MICU staff. (Christopher Cox)

Eileen Maziarz

Infectious Diseases

Dr. Maziarz is not only an outstanding clinician but a phenomenal educator! She is a strong leader of the ID fellowship, bringing together a fantastic group of fellows with diverse interests. She is a role model for trainees as well! (Aimee Zaas)

Shelley McDonald


Dr. McDonald is scaling up the POSH program and disseminating it nationally, improving outcomes for older adults undergoing elective surgery! (Cathleen Colon-Emeric)

Diana McNeill

Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Nutrition

Dr. McNeill is an absolutely Amazing leader, clinician and an extremely dedicated educators. Her passion for education is contagious, her energy and personality-inspiring and her commitment to Duke AHEAD has lead to so many positive innovative changes at Duke and in the world of medicine. She advocates for educators, exemplifies amazing work life alignment and she my SHERO. (Nadia Pasha)

Diana Mehedint

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Mehedint is the energy and spirit of the DUH nocturnist group. She is a so much more than a valued member of the team--reliable and professional, often staying after to help team members or residents out, always remembers and marks special occasions for the team, has cultivated a great relationship with nursing staff, wonderfully welcomes new hires with small gifts, and always keeps the groups' energy up on long busy nights. She is beloved by the residents for her teaching and the care and concern she shows them. After only one year she is nothing less than a cornerstone of the night group. (Jim Howard)

Neha Mehta

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Mehta always inspires me - she always provides such compassionate care for her patients, and her colleagues! She always seems to have the best ideas on how to foster comradery and manage stress, especially during these crazy times. (Anonymous)

Dr. Mehta works hard to ensure that community and well-being are a key part of the hospitalist group at DRH. She helps to organized events to welcome new faculty and family, yearly gatherings, and importantly ensures all departing/retiring faculty have a send off event to celebrate their contributions. Neha has been a part of the DRH hospitalist group for over 10 years and is a leader in the group. She is a thoughtful and caring physician. She also manages a busy home taking care of twins (Meera and Ishan). Neha is always putting others first and works hard to ensure the work environment culture is positive. (Matt Sparks)

Nia Mitchell

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Mitchell embodies collegiality, professionalism, advocacy, and compassion. I have worked with her for a few years in her role as a preceptor at the Duke Outpatient Clinic. She is an excellent clinician, a skilled preceptor, and -- something that really makes her a shero -- a person who sees the value of all members of the team, listens well, and advocates for the best option even when it is difficult. This has always been true but I've found it even more so during the time of COVID. I'm proud to work with her and so very glad I know her! (Julia Gamble)

Rebekah Moehring

Infectious Diseases

Dr. Moehring is a SHERO! She has done an amazing job leading the team in her role of Medical Director of the Antimicrobial Stewardship and Evaluation Team. Her hard work has been especially visible in the last 9 months as she has led the COVID Therapeutics working group. She is mission-driven, a hard-core researcher, and a great asset to the Duke team. I am lucky to have her as a friend and colleague! (Sarah Lewis)

Dinushika Mohottige


Dr. Mohottige is a tireless proponent of equality and unending dedication to her patients. Compassion runs in her veins. She is a role model for all of us to look up to. (Marc Samsky)

Dr. Mohottige inspires everyone to be a better person. Always looking to make a difference, listening, learning, and most importantly leading. There is nobody better than Dinushika to be a Shero. She is an advocate for diversity and inclusion. She is steadfast in her commitment to do the right thing. Medicine would be a better place if every institution had someone like Dinushika. I am proud that she is at Duke. No doubt she has/will make a massive impact in medicine and change how we all communicate, practice, and learn. I wholeheartedly nominate Dinushika for this award. (Matt Sparks)

Nilima Mosaly

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Mosaly is beloved on the pulmonary unit. She is an experienced, thoughtful, caring clinician who cultivates and develops a true team environment on that specialty unit. Additionally, she is always offering to step up and help out across the system, at all 3 hospitals--night or day, in all possible hospitalist roles. She sets the bar high as a tremendous colleague and example for others. We are consistently thrilled to have her on our team! (Jim Howard)

Neelima Navuluri

Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Navuluri for performing pioneering work in Eastern Africa understanding the burden of hypoxic lung disease in rural Kenya. (Scott Shofer)

Katie Neal

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Neil does amazing things at Duke. What I am most amazed by is the leadership role she is taken for the threatened limb service. This service focuses on patients with diabetes or vascular disease that have non-healing lower extremity wounds that may need complex medical and surgical treatment to help prevent amputation. This is not easy work to do as it involves coordinating various surgical services and medicine services in a true multidisciplinary fashion. She came up with the vision for this program,, articulated the need to have a separate hospital medicine consult line for it, and actively works on this line as the lead physician. It has been a very successful endeavor and has been a true example of multidisciplinary efforts to improve care for patients. She does many other things very well and balances all of this clinical work and personal responsibilities without appearing stressed at all! She is a true Shero at Duke :) (Anonymous)

Sarah Nystrom

Fellow, Nephrology

Nine clinical fellows are women in Nephrology, including Dr. Nystrom. All work tirelessly caring for our sick patients and work together as a great team. (Anonymous)

Amber Oberle

Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Oberle has been passionate about asthma care! I have seen her as a medical student and so impressed to see her as our faculty who passionately dedicates herself for improving care for asthma! (Sangeeta Joshi)

Dr. Oberle, in her role as associate director of the Asthma, Allergy, and Airway Center, worked with clinical leadership and staff to ensure a safe and rapid transition to telehealth medicine early during the pandemic. This clinical transformation helped keep staff, trainees, and patients safe all while continuing to be of service to our patients. She has managed this challenging transition all while nurturing a growing family at home. (Chris Mosher)

Cara O'Brien

General Internal Medicine

I have no idea how Dr. O'Brien does it! She juggles so many things successfully in her life, and does it with grace and humility. She has a very busy clinical workload, leadership workload, research workload, and lots to do at home with family. One minute I might be talking to her about a rapid response issue or how to get a procedure for a patient, the next time I see her the discussion may be about clinical service development, or the challenges of remote education for our kids during this COVID era. She always has time to talk with me or anybody, is always approachable, and usually has the right answer or at least a great answer. She is a role model for many physicians and I feel privileged to have known her over the years. I'm thrilled to nominate her for a Duke Shero recognition. (Anonymous)

It is no surprise that Dr. O'Brien is a hero to many of us. She is one of the strongest clinicians I have ever met and matches that with her ability to lead our Department clinically. It is an absolute privilege being considered one of her colleagues. (Nilesh Patel)

Ije Okereke

Fellow, Nephrology

Nine clinical fellows are women in Nephrology, including Dr. Okereke. All work tirelessly caring for our sick patients and work together as a great team. (Anonymous)

Charity Oyedeji

Fellow, Hematology

Dr. Oyedeji is bridging research on patients with sickle cell disease as they get older. She will bring great energy to the field of hematology! (Anonymous)

Cindy Pabon

Internal Medicine Residency Program

Dr. Pabon is a third year internal medicine resident and a part of the Advocacy in Clinical Leadership Track. Last spring, Cindy spearheaded the group’s work in advocating for migrant farm workers amidst the COVID pandemic. While the track finished its work for the year in May, Cindy pressed on. She connected with peers and stakeholders across Duke medicine in advocating for communities in North Carolina who are disproportionately affected by COVID, primarily the Latinx community. Cindy led the charge to get our internal medicine residents the opportunity to volunteer time at testing sites which improve access for vulnerable communities in Durham. The program is now in full swing after vetting through the GME office and Chair’s office. Cindy is thoughtful, persistent, and effective when it comes to causes she is advocating for and I’m delighted she’s a part of our team. She embodies Duke values every day. (Dani Zipkin)

Samantha Parker

Fellow, Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Parker for developing training videos very early in the covid epidemic showing how to properly use PPE and how to perform proning for critically ill ventilated patients. (Scott Shofer)

Nadia Pasha

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Pasha always advocates for the team and is constantly looking for ways to improve morale and resiliency. She knows that excellent patient care begins with providers, and she strives to ensure the providers always have what they need to provide excellent care. Thank you, Dr. Pasha, for always thinking of the team! (Ginger Newbold)

Dr. Pasha is an energetic, vibrant and determined physician. She creates opportunities to help others and I find her inclusive; Nadia is an organized, dedicated wife and mother of 3 beautiful children. Nadia is a friend of a lot of people (Amal Youssef)

Dr. Pasha's passion for education, for the highest expectations for patient care as practiced by herself and others, and her inspiring drive to constantly improve and grow make her a SHERO! Even during the relentless trudge through the pandemic she has been a leader for her team and an inspiration to myself and others. Even through the pandemic she continued to provide faculty development opportunities, improved and disseminated work on educational experiences, held wellness events and coached others. She is a hospital medicine SHERO! (Poonam Sharma)

Sonya Patel-Nguyen

General Internal Medicine

I can’t say enough about how lucky I am to be able to work with Dr. Patel-Nguyen. She is an incredible team player who is always willing to help one of her colleagues, a source of support for many of our team, and an brilliant clinician. She is absolutely incredible and we are lucky to have her as a part of the Duke family. (Nilesh Patel)

Juliessa Pavon


Dr. Pavon is a former Duke IM resident and DRH/ambulatory chief resident; Outstanding geriatrician; Co-director of the Comprehensive Introduction to Clinical Research resident course; Stead society leader and faculty lead for the Stead Tread, raising $10k for LCHC; Mom of 2. May be the world’s most genuinely kind and positive person. (Aimee Zaas)

Cecily Peterson

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Peterson is my shero because she is fundamentally good and decent. It’s in her bones and it’s who she is. Her patients love her because she makes them her priority. Her colleagues love her because she looks out for them in every way. She has helped me in my endeavors in medical education. She is championing work in diversity and inclusion. Duke is a better place because of her. (Fatima Syed)

Lisa Pickett

Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

I have known Dr. Pickett for years, and I have rarely worked with anyone who simply lit up the room by being in it. She role models being a superlative leader, administrator, doctor, and human being. I cannot count the number of times that I have mentioned to others how much I have learned by simply watching how she does things. Universally loved and respected. One of those people whom you trust completely to have others' best interests in mind. (Christopher Cox)

Laura Previll


Dr. Previll is such an inspiring person - she tirelessly cares for her clinic patients and their families, lends to the supportive culture of the geriatrics division (thanks for starting a regular book club!), and keeps us on our toes with EPIC - a true SHERO. (Anonymous)

Dawn Provenzale


Dr. Provenzale was recruited to Duke in 1992 to establish her research program in health services research in gastroenterology. Over the last 25 years, she has trained numerous undergraduates, medical students, graduate students and junior faculty. Among just Duke fellows and faculty, she has mentored more than 40 people. Six current members of the GI faculty are her mentees. She is an icon in gastroenterology for her contributions in health services research with this tremendous legacy of mentorship. (Andrew Muir)

Loretta Que


Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Que is a singular example of the person, professional and colleague that we should all aspire to be. I have never seen anyone give their all in whatever they do like she does. From taking care of patients, to handling complex administrative tasks/problems, to dropping everything to help a fellow with a grant or paper. She is my hero. I hope I can be as thoughtful, generous and caring in my own career. (Robert Tighe)

In addition to being an outstanding physician and investigator, Dr. Que is a mentor to many junior faculty and fellows. She readily gives her time and expertise to others, without expecting anything in return. She is a great role model for women who strive to balance work and home life. She and her physician husband have raised 2 fantastic young men. (Anonymous)

Dr. Loretta Que is a fantastic mentor and friend. She always puts her mentees first and works tirelessly to develop opportunities to foster the careers of trainees. She is also an excellent clinician, scientist and collaborator who is considered an international expert in asthma research. (Jennifer Ingram)

Cristine Radojicic

Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Radojicic brings an extensive experience in allergy medicine to Duke and is always available for patients. She has brought a unique perspective to Asthma Allergy Airways Center and I love working with her! (Sangeeta Joshi)

Jyothi Rao

Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Nutrition

Dr. Rao is Medical Director at the Brier Creek Duke Endocrinology clinic. In this role she has developed an efficient, busy practice. While charged primarily with managing provider activities and advocating for her peers, she has built strong connections with the other staff in the clinic that has made for a collaborative, collegial practice environment. Jyothi's leadership during the response to COVID19 has been exemplary and set a high standard for how ambulatory practices can run in a crisis. (Anonymous)

Danielle Richardson

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Richardson assumed the role of Associate Medical Director for Nighttime Coverage for DRH Hospital Medicine in April of this year at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the leader of our group's nocturnist team, she has played an essential role in our group's response to the pandemic, and has provided critically important leadership to our entire group during this time. Dr. Richardson has been a tireless advocate for continuous improvement of COVID-19 safety protocols and clinical workflows, and has also been a proactive wellness champion for our group, organizing events such as virtual happy hours via Zoom to keep our team connected during the pandemic. We are very fortunate to have Dr. Richardson as a colleague and leader in DRH Hospital Medicine. (Adam Wachter)

Dr. Richardson leads the nocturnist team at DRH, and she is a champion for them. She is always attending leadership meetings to make sure they are represented and their needs understood. She sees the team as a whole rather than day vs. night teams. Her positive attitude and cheerful demeanor make everyone feel welcome. I am sure the patients benefit from her excellent leadership. Thank you, Dr. Richardson, for all you do for the Hospital Medicine program! (Ginger Newbold)

As the associate medical director for nocturnists at Duke Regional, Dr. Richardson is a constant and tireless advocate for improving patient care and safety at night as well as supporting all the providers and staff at night to ensure their safety as well during COVID. She also leads efforts to bring formal teaching at night to our resident and student learners - during night float when formal teaching is usually not a focus in other rotations. She's also a phenomenal clinician and mom. (Anonymous)

Isaretta Riley

Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

I have seen Dr. Riley since her fellowship days and amazed by her successful transition as a prominent researcher! She is fun to work with, always willing to help and generous with her time! She is an invaluable SHERO in our department!! (Sangeeta Joshi)

Jennifer Rogers

Rheumatology and Immunology

Dr. Rogers is a phenomenal clinician and provides care that is consistently beyond expectations to her patients. In addition to her large clinical work-load, she leads the Duke Lupus Clinic and Registry and leads several clinical and translational research projects within the Registry. She brings a deep caring for people and patients to all of her work. Her dedication is an inspiration to me and she provides a terrific role model to our trainees. (Megan Clowse)

Adia Ross

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Ross is a natural born leader and she actively mentors early-career physicians. She is thoughtful and carries challenges with poise, as evidence through how she took over leading the hospital medicine team and Duke Raleigh, prior to becoming CMO at DRAH. Most of all, she is always humble with staff and is able to connect with everyone. We loved her at DRAH and everyone misses her there. (Anonymous)

Dr. Ross is not only an amazing physician but one of the most inspiring and genuine person I know. She came to DRaH when our Hospital Medicine program needed an advocate and effective leader. She not only delivered but went above and beyond to support the needs of our team. She really made everyone on our team feel valued and appreciated. As a result our team delivered in every way possible. She is one of the most amazing leaders at Duke and anyone who knows her will know this is true!!! (Anonymous)

Sharon Rubin

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Rubin is the medical director at Pickett. Since the beginning of the pandemic she has been asked to take on extraordinary activities including standing up and managing Duke Primary Care's primary COVID-19 testing tent as well as the many operational challenges of a complex teaching clinic. She has worked very long hours and handled innumerable challenges. She is always selfless, pleasant, and calm. I think I speak for all of the providers at our clinic who are grateful for her leadership. (Jeff Clough)

Rebecca Ruf

Fellow, Nephrology

Nine clinical fellows are women in Nephrology, including Dr. Ruf. All work tirelessly caring for our sick patients and work together as a great team. (Anonymous)

Mary-Nel Saarloos

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Saarloos is so willing to help out with whatever is needed for our team. She is a med/peds provider but has not really practiced that way for some time. Nevertheless when we asked her, she was willing to jump in and assist with the med/peds transition team when we asked. This is a complicated population with high risk for readmission and the work on that line has shown some good early outcomes. Mary, we appreciate your adaptability and your teamwork! Thanks for being our Shero. (Anonymous)

April Salama

Medical Oncology

Dr. Salama is a great advocate for others. She is full of energy and creativity. She leads networking for women in DCI. (Anonymous)

Stefanie Sarantopoulos

Hematologic Malignancies and Cellular Therapy

Dr. Sarantopoulos is a caring and compassionate NIH-funded physician scientist. Research leader in our division recently appointed Vice Chair of Research looking to lead and improve in sharing of scientific discoveries and collaborations. Respected in the field of stem cell transplantation and chronic graft-vs-host diease. Founder of Duke center of excellence, Duke GvHD Multi-disciplinary Research Care Team (MRCT). Involved in the clinical and scientific community by partnering with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and the American Society of Transplantation & Cellular Therapy. (Gabriel Alcantra)

Suchita Sata

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Sata has been a wonderful and supportive colleague to many of us for years in hospital medicine. I completely appreciate her optimistic framework, her passion for clinical care and education, and her desire for Duke hospital medicine and Duke Hospital to be the best. During the early days of COVID she helped take the lead on developing a resiliency virtual meeting for all of us to take some time to reach out to colleagues and share and debrief - this helped me so much during those stressful days! She has been instrumental in growing and leading our local Society of Hospital Medicine chapter which provides us with so much support and education. As PWIM interim leader she has helped elevate our awareness around gender concerns in medicine and think through effective strategies to approach those. Lastly, I am not particularly facile with social media and she has helped me tremendously become a better tweeter. (Anonymous)

Jennifer Saullo

Infectious Diseases

Dr. Saullo is an outstanding physician. The meticulous, compassionate and comprehensive care she provides for each and every one of her patients is an inspiration to me. I strongly believe she is one of the best doctors at Duke and I am so lucky to get the opportunity to work with her and learn from her. (Emily Eichenberger)

Solomiia Savedchuk

Fellow, Nephrology

Nine clinical fellows are women in Nephrology, including Dr. Savedchuk. All work tirelessly caring for our sick patients and work together as a great team. (Anonymous)

Tracy Setji

Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Nutrition

Dr. Setji is Director of the Duke Hospital inpatient diabetes program and has made substantial contributions to the institution. She is an expert in the endocrine problems of hospitalized patients and has a steady record of publications in this area. She is a creative leader who has built a first-rate hospital diabetes program that she continues to refine through attentive steps in quality improvement. Dr Setji is a great collaborator and has been very effective in developing multi-disciplinary approaches to patient care. A great teacher and mentor to fellows in the Endocrinology training program. (Anonymous)

Svati Shah


Dr. Shah is an incredible mentor to many budding researchers and current faculty. She is strong and confident and doesn't fear her brilliance. Her personal story is moving and inspiring. (Anonymous)

Poonam Sharma

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Sharma has been a vital part of the DRH Hospital Medicine leadership team during the COVID-19 pandemic. She has played a critical role in developing and implementing our team's COVID-19 operational workflows, has managed changes to medical education at DRH during the pandemic, and has also been an effective wellness champion for our group. In addition, Dr. Sharma has spearheaded efforts to develop academic products related to COVID-19, in the spirit of not letting a good crisis go to waste. Dr Sharma has been an incredible leader and colleague for many years at DRH Hospital Medicine and has been a key part of our group's success at navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. We are very fortunate to have her as a member of our team. (Adam Wachter)

Dr. Sharma is an Associate Medical Director at DRH Hospital Medicine, and she is always thinking of her team and strategizing about ways to ensure resiliency. She is an advocate for diversity and inclusion and has made sure to keep this topic in the forefront. She has led efforts to ensure student learners have an optimal experience and is generally a champion for Duke Health. Thank you, Dr. Sharma, for your positive attitude and tireless work ethic! (Ginger Newbold)

Dr. Sharma is a valued member of the Hospital Medicine team and truly a team player. I am always in awe of the multiple hats she wears in education and Medicine yet managing each one eloquently and owning each one. She is a collaborator, educator and her skills permeate not only her team but the whole department. Her willingness to include anyone and everyone in learning makes her a genuine leader. She is not limited by physical boundaries and reaches out to make sure everyone has an opportunity to participate in education. She is my true SHERO and a leader with an amazing growth mindset. (Anonymous)

Sheila Sherzoy

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Sherzoy is a brilliant new hire to the group, full of energy for teaching and providing fantastic patient care. A supportive and caring colleague. Team members like Sheila make coming to work here the best. (Jim Howard)

Harpreet Singh


Dr. Singh serves as a role model for trainees (and faculty). She is always accessible to discuss a difficult patient presentation and provides invaluable guidance. Harpreet is a trailblazer in the field of glomerulonephritis (GN) and has established a clinic and unique educational experiences at Duke. This has elevated the patient care and education in this area at Duke. Establishing this expertise and multidisciplinary clinical care de novo is not easy and we (including patients) are all grateful for her efforts. I wholeheartedly nominate Harpreet to be a Shero. (Matt Sparks)

Becky Smith

Infectious Diseases

Dr. Smith is a fierce SHERO!!! She has tirelessly led efforts across the Duke Health System to ensure the hospital is a leader in research and clinical efforts focused on Infection Prevention. She has an inspiring dedication to patient safety that shines through every decision she makes. She valiantly strives for successful implementation of evidence based practices across the myriad of clinical settings within Duke. She should be celebrated for her prior and ongoing leadership. (Anonymous)

Dr. Smith is a wonderfully skilled and compassionate physician who goes above and beyond for her patients every day. Additionally she is a dedicated and tireless advocate for patient safety as she leads the Infection Prevention program at Duke University Hospital. I am lucky to have her as a friend and colleague -- a true SHERO (Sarah Lewis)

Laurie Snyder

Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Laurie Snyder has provided not just sound clinical care but also much needed compassion and empathy to our lung transplant patients. Early during the pandemic, patient visitors were extremely restricted which was particularly hard on our patients whom had already been hospitalized for almost 100 days. Her outstanding care and support of them during these unusual circumstances made a huge difference to both the patient and their loved ones. In addition, she is a thoughtful and supportive research mentor. (Chris Mosher)

Tara Spector


General Internal Medicine


Dr. Spector has worked tirelessly in helping our team manage the COVID inpatient services at DUH. She is always concerned about her team members and excels in her leadership role in Hospital Medicine. She is my SHERO! (Anonymous)

Not long ago, Dr. Spector was promoted to Associate Medical Director of Clinical Operations within Duke Hospital Medicine Program. She anticipated this job would involve creating the schedule, filling in where needed and the like. Little did she know that a global pandemic of massive proportions was on the horizon and, in the spring of 2020, she was immediately thrust into a different sort of job -- a job leading a large group of hospitalists through a crisis. She has been open with her communications attempting to assuage our fears, showed both strength and vulnerability when needed, displayed massive amounts of energy, juggled huge responsibilities including clinical duties caring for COVID patients, hiring and on-boarding new providers during the crisis, participating in high-level meetings at the health system level and has been overall awesome. She is certainly my SHERO for her amazing dedication to our team and her leadership in crisis. (Noel Ivey)

Dr. Spector's leadership and organizational skills saved us (hospital medicine) during COVID. She was flexible in implementing many new policies and processes to keep providers and patients safe. She was optimistic in a time of great stress. She was calm. She got us organized and following the same workflow processes to maintain safety. She focused on our resiliency and everyone felt things were going to go okay after talking with Tara. She was always on message and really exhibited great leadership during this time. To work on the intermediate floor COVID units, there is a lot of new workflows and processes that need to be followed to keep the providers and staff safe. It can be overwhelming and complex. It is stressful. Tara managed to organize this in a fashion which addressed these issues and allowed providers to trust the systems for their safety. She did a phenomenal job and she is my Shero. (Anonymous)

Dr. Spector has worked tirelessly during the pandemic to ensure our group is well-staffed, well-informed, and well-represented. She is a great leader, and we are lucky to have her! (Katie Neal)

Monique Anderson Starks


Dr. Starks has a cardiology clinic on site at the Duke Outpatient Clinic where she provides cardiology care for some of our more complex primary care patients. These are patients who would find it very difficult to navigate accessing care at the Duke Cardiology clinics but feel safe and comfortable at the DOC. Many of them are financially destitute, uninsured or underinsured, low health literacy, and frequently with multiple comorbid conditions sometimes including psychiatric and substance abuse diagnoses. Dr. Starks listens carefully to their concerns and their personal narratives related to their conditions. She works closely with the team -- resident physician, advanced practice nurse, pharmacist, nurse to develop her plan. Throughout she is collegial, compassionate, and utterly focused on providing the most excellent care to a frequently neglected group of patients. It's an honor to work with her! (Julia Gamble)

Anna Strasma

Fellow, Nephrology

Nine clinical fellows are women in Nephrology, including Dr. Strasma. All work tirelessly caring for our sick patients and work together as a great team. (Anonymous)

Laura Svetkey


Dr. Svetkey is an inspiring leader in department of medicine! Her positive attitude and relentless efforts to help faculty to identify their fullest potential makes her a role model for other faculty members. She has mentored a generation of faculty through PWIM, Diversity programs and Leadership academy. She is a true hero! (Sangeeta Joshi)

Dr. Svetkey has inspired me with her bravery, always willing to stand up for what is right. (Cary Ward)

Melissa Teitelman


Dr. Teitelman is an amazing clinic director. True clinician and leader. Always keeps the team at the forefront. (Anonymous)

Jamie Todd

Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Todd was my chief resident when I joined Duke. She was of a great help for me as I recently moved from Middle East to Durham. She had a great input to help me shape my career. I appreciate all what she has done and keep doing for a lot of us. (Anonymous)

Jenny Van Kirk

General Internal Medicine

I speak for many of us when I say Dr. Van Kirk is the physician we all should aspire to be. I cannot think of a single time when she has not been among the most thoughtful clinicians, the strongest teachers, or the kindest colleagues that I have met. Duke is lucky to have her as part of our family and I am lucky to be one of her colleagues. (Nilesh Patel)

Iris Vance


Dr. Vance is one of few deep endoscopists in our division. This is a highly specialized field of gastroenterology with a growing need inpatient and outpatient. Dr. Vance continuously comes in on her non-clinical time to fulfill needs from the inpatient team for double balloon enteroscopy. She accommodates patients into her busy clinical schedule, a constant team player, educator, wonderful and thoughtful clinician. (Cecelia Zhang)

Lisa Vann

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Vann is one of the most incredible physicians I know. I am lucky enough to have trained with her in residency and joined our Hospitalist group at the same time. She is the person I most often go to when I am stumped with a clinical question, and I know many of my colleagues do the same. Her patients genuinely appreciate her thoughtfulness, thoroughness, and compassion at the bedside. It is a privilege to be considered one of her colleagues. (Nilesh Patel)

Anna (Annapoorani) Veerappan


Dr. Veerappan joined Duke Gastroenterology in 2017 as the first female gastroenterologist with the Duke Regional Hospital group. She is a wonderful role model, mentor, and friend. Dr. Veerappan always has a fantastic attitude, willing to help and provide advice. She is thoughtful and conscientious towards everyone including her colleagues, trainees and staff. She guided me through new motherhood, understanding work/life balance and transitioning onto faculty. She is truly a good person and clinician. I hope others get the chance to work with her. (Cecelia Zhang)

Lana Wahid

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Wahid goes above and beyond for her patients. She volunteered on our covid unit from the beginning and has been on the front lines providing care. One of her very ill Covid Patients was suffering from a lack of appetite as a result of his infection, but mentioned wanting crab legs for dinner. Lana and her colleague went out and purchased some crab legs and brought them in the for the patient. The patient was thrilled and ate the meal and was truly appreciative of this amazing act of kindness. Her humanity and compassion are what we should look for in our Sheroes! (Anonymous)

Kathleen Waite

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Waite has been an exemplary internal medicine physician at Duke for 27 years now! When the COVID pandemic hit, she started helping employee health track and follow our positive health care workers in addition to her full practice. She also teaches at the medical school and took on the challenge of designing virtual clinical learning for our medical students during the pandemic. Lastly, she finds time to volunteer at the homeless shelter to give back to the community after giving so much to so many. (Anne Phelps)

Cary Ward


Dr. Ward is an exemplary role model for not just women in medicine but all trainees and young faculty who are aspiring to be compassionate, thoughtful and thorough physicians. She is a dedicated mentor who always strives to lift her mentees up to higher successes. She balances being an involved mother with her many work responsibilities with grace. She is my shero! (Anonymous)

Dr Ward has been one of my role models since being her Sub-Intern as an MS4. She made an immediate impression on me as an incredible internist, cardiologist, and parent. She has continued to mentor me throughout my training (going on nearly 10 years). I consider myself incredibly lucky to now be able to call her a friend. (Marc Samsky)

I work with Dr. Ward on Departmental wellness committee and amazed by her enthusiasm and collaborative approach. She is such a fun and jovial person to talk to. I always learn something new from her! She is a true hero!! (Sangeeta Joshi)

Kelly Westbrook

Medical Oncology

Dr. Westbrook is a medical oncologist at Duke who pours her heart and soul into providing the best possible care to her patients. She always goes above and beyond the call of duty, putting her patients' wellbeing at the forefront. She provides outstanding, personal care to her myriad of patients, often working long hours to provide comfort and care to patients and their families. And she does this while raising two daughters, whom she adores. Many times, her evenings and weekends are spent attending her daughters' swim practices and meets, encouraging them to do their best; doing everything she can to raise the next generation of SHEROs. (Kathryn Starr)

Heidi White


Dr. White has worked tirelessly through the COVID pandemic, providing strength and leadership to her nursing home team, and providing compassionate care to her patients and their families who have not been able to see each other in months! She continues to mentor so many of us; we are a lucky crew to have her in our ranks. (Anonymous)

Dr. White has been leading a collaborative of over 30 Skilled Nursing Facilities through the COVID pandemic, providing resources, expert consultation, and support. She is also managing a COVID outbreak in a local facility where she is Medical Director with compassion and skill. (Cathleen Colon-Emeric)

Christina Williams

Medical Oncology

Dr. Williams leads an innovative research program studying EGFR in NSCLC. She is a team member in the VA cooperative studies center. (Anonymous)

Joanne Wilson


Dr. Wilson was born and raised in Raleigh. She came to Duke for medical school. She was the only African American in the class of 1973 and just the second African American woman to receive a medical degree from Duke. In 1986, Dr. Wilson was recruited back to Duke and joined the Division of Gastroenterology. She was the first African American woman to receive tenure in the School of Medicine and the second woman of any race or ethnicity to attain the rank of Professor in the Department of Medicine. Dr. Wilson is a master clinician with an outstanding reputation for her endoscopic prowess and astute diagnostic skills. While training dozens of fellows during her career, she has been an inspirational figure and role model to many young physicians. Among her many awards, Dr. Wilson received the Distinguished Faculty Award from the Duke Medical Alumni Association in 2011 and the Master Clinician/Teacher Award from the Duke School of Medicine in 2019. (Andrew Muir)

Marie Witte

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Witte is a valued member of our Hospital Medicine team at Duke Raleigh. Since she joined us she has continued to improve the workflow and patient care at night. She is a teacher at heart and the Students have continued to express how lucky they are to have her as their preceptor. She continues to motivate others to bring out the best in everyone. She collaborates with the nursing staff, her colleagues and she is a true SHERO. (Anonymous)

Daphne Xiao

General Internal Medicine

It is an incredibly hard time to start a new career, but Dr. Xiao has handled her new roles as an attending and a hospitalist incredibly well. She quickly took on large clinical volumes and adapted to the new ways in which we work during COVID. It is an absolute privilege to consider her one of my colleagues. (Nilesh Patel)

Yiran Yang

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Yang is new to our group but has displayed a strong work ethic, commitment to our patients and willingness to adapt to any situation right from the beginning. Sheroes can do anything and Yiran has shown she can! (Anonymous)

Aimee Zaas

Infectious Diseases

Internal Medicine Residency Program

Unending dedication to MedEd and to her residents. She truly cares about her program and treats everyone like they are her own family. Nobody better to lead the medicine program. Also a brilliant physician. (Marc Samsky)

Dr. Zaas has been incredibly dedicated to keeping the residency moving forward and maintaining its usual level of excellence and camaraderie despite the pandemic. She has communicated clearly and with humility. She has ushered in our new class of interns with attention to their sense of wellbeing and connection with the program. Thank you Aimee. (Dani Zipkin)

Dr. Zaas is my shero because has lead this internal medicine program with strength, grace and humility in the face of a global pandemic. She never asks for credit or recognition and continues to work diligently every single day. She is someone to be admired for what she has done for the Duke internal medicine program. (Lonnie Sullivan)

Cecelia Zhang


Dr. Cecelia Zhang is a brilliant clinician and a passionate educator. She cares for medically complex patients with inflammatory bowel disease with compassion and cutting edge knowledge from her rigorous clinical training and clinical research, and makes complex pathophysiology, pharmacology and clinical decision making comprehensible to learners at all levels. I feel honored to have Dr. Zhang on our faculty as my colleague. (Iris Vance)

Tian Zhang


Medical Oncology

Dr. Zhang is highly effective clinician-investigator. Great colleague. (James Abbruzzese)

Dr. Zhang is an incredible research mentor and trainee advocate. She has mentored countless residents and fellows in advancing their research careers. She is selfless, giving of her time and energy to promote those around her. All while caring well for her clinic patients and family! (Matt Labriola)

Dr. Zhang is a fantastic clinician, researcher, mentor, role model and mom. Her mentorship for resident research has helped many residents start their careers in academic oncology. She has an incredible ability to see the heart of an issue and to find ways to solve problems. (Aimee Zaas)

Betty Zhao

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Zhao is a remarkable physician, but even more-so, a remarkable person and colleague. She is engaged in teaching and mentoring of our students, is a caring and dedicated physician who always goes the extra mile for her patients, and is continually looking out for the needs and welfare of her teammates and colleagues here at Duke. She helps form the backbone of our DUH hospitalist AND nocturnist team, and our system would fall apart if it wasn't for colleagues and physicians like Betty Zhao. (Jim Howard)

Daniella Zipkin

General Internal Medicine

Dr. Zipkin has taken the time to pull together a group of staff and residents at the Duke Outpatient Clinic to talk about our internal equity issues. She's worked to make the work group a safe and inclusive space. The thoughtfulness and care she's brought to the endeavor is inspiring. We're just starting but the leadership she has shown in creating the space for the group and giving it meaning is inspiring and deeply meaningful. (Julia Gamble)

Dr. Zipkin brings energy and dedication to our ambulatory curriculum and our advocacy track. She is committed to mentoring residents towards their careers in primary care and/or medical education. (Aimee Zaas)













Carolyn Avery, MD, nominated by Jane Trinh

Danielle Brander, MD, nominated by Andrea Sitlinger



Tian Zhang, MD, nominated by Matt Labriola




Aimee Zaas, MD, nominated by Dani Zipkin

Joanne Wilson, MD, nominated by Andrew Muir

Anna Veerappan, MD, nominated by Cecelia Zhang
