Dedication ceremony for Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans Center set for 2/8/13

Dean Nancy Andrews, MD, PhD, shared the following with the Duke School of Medicine community today: We expect to receive the Certificate of Occupancy for the Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans Center for Health Education very soon! We are grateful to The Duke Endowment and School of Medicine alumni, faculty, staff and students who have contributed to this transformative project.
Faculty and staff with roles directly related to medical education will move into offices in the new building, but my office and other administrative units will remain where they are now. This will allow us to use as much space as possible for education and for bringing together students from all of our programs. We anticipate moving people into the Trent Semans Center in mid-December and the first-year medical students will start their Brain and Behavior course in the new space on January 2, 2013.You are cordially invited to join me at the dedication ceremony on Friday, Feb. 8, 2013, from 5-6 p.m. when we will celebrate the opening of this beautiful facility and honor Mary Semans and her family. Wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday season! View a video update on the center's construction progress and see how the new space will be used.
