Department of Medicine celebrates staff service anniversaries

Jim Nieman, director of human resources for the Department of Medicine, shares this celebration: Do you remember the year 1977?  It was an interesting year of highs and lows.  The New York City blackout of 1977 resulted in looting and other disorder.  In September, Panama and the United States signed a treaty that established transfer of control of the canal to Panama.  Elvis Presley died at Graceland at age 42. The original “Star Wars” movie (now episode IV) opened to long lines at the theaters.  The movie “Saturday Night Fever” opened later in the year, building disco fever and the popularity of movie soundtracks.  A gallon of gas cost 67 cents and the average cost of a new house was $49,300. But do you know what else happened in 1977? On Oct. 31, 1977, Flo Harris started working in the Department of Medicine!  Many of you know Flo as the department's payroll manager, but did you know that she has spent her entire 35-year Duke career in the department?  Flo started in the Chair’s Office when James B. Wyngaarden, MD was chair and the offices were located in Baker House. When asked about her time in the department, Flo told us that the years have gone by quickly.  The early days taught Flo to work well as a team to get the job done while taking time to enjoy each other as co-workers.  When asked why she stayed so long, Flo is quick to respond, “Medicine is the best department at Duke.”  Flo also offered a few words of thanks to her colleagues: "Thank you to my Duke family for taking the time out of their busy schedules to share my anniversary with me." Please join us in congratulating Flo for 35 years of dedication to Duke and the Department of Medicine. And see below for a list of other Medicine faculty and staff celebrating anniversaries of 20 years or more with Duke. [toggle title_open="Service from our faculty and staff" title_closed="Service from our faculty and staff" hide="yes" border="yes" style="default" excerpt_length="0" read_more_text="Read More" read_less_text="Read Less" include_excerpt_html="no"]Joseph C. Greenfield, 50 Susan R. Russell, 40 Yvonne W. Byrd, 40 Augustus O. Grant, 35 Dawn W. O'Briant, 35 John Perfect, 35 Robert A. Waugh, 35 Ronald Beauvais, 35 Stephen L. Young, 35 Warner M. Burch Jr., 35 Connie R. Thacker, 30 Daniel B. Mark, 30 Laura P. Svetkey, 30 Walter C. Stone, 30 William T. Hunt, 30 Barlett Humphries, 25 Cheryl M. Woodard, 25 Clara P. Snipes, 25 Damian Craig, 25 David W. Butterly, 25 Deborah F. Murray, 25 Diana B. McNeill, 25 Jacqueline Rimmler, 25 Jane E. Onken, 25 Jill Rimmer, 25 Joel C. Morgenlander, 25 Judith W. Gentile, 25 Karen L. Grace, 25 Katherine Link, 25 L Kristin Newby, 25 Michael H. Sketch, 25 Monica L. Harris, 25 Rhonda Laney, 25 Roberta C. Demery, 25 Carl L. Chmielewski, 20 Carmelo Graffagnino, 20 Cathy L. Ward, 20 Dawn T. Provenzale, 20 Denise D. Terry, 20 Eric D. Peterson, 20 Gary M. Cox, 20 Heidi K. White, 20 Jill K. Burleson, 20 John R. Guyton, 20 Michael J. Strub, 20 Michelle Winn, 20 Pao-Hwa Lin, 20 Phyllis S. Dalton, 20 Richard T. Premont, 20 Rita A. Deimler, 20 Rita H. McCoy, 20 Robert Blessing, 20 Susanne M. Harris, 20 [/toggle]  
