DGIM Contributes to New JAMA Article on Breast Cancer Screening

Last week the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published the American Cancer Society 2015 update for breast cancer screening for women at average risk. In the issue there is also a review by Duke researchers who conducted an evidence review supporting the guideline. Several of these authors are from general internal medicine.

Evan R. Myers, MD, MPH; Patricia Moorman, PhD; Jennifer M. Gierisch, PhD, MPH; Laura J. Havrilesky, MD, MHSc; Lars J. Grimm, MD; Sujata Ghate, MD; Brittany Davidson, MD; Ranee Chatterjee Mongtomery, MD; Matthew J. Crowley, MD; Douglas C. McCrory, MD, MHSc; Amy Kendrick, RN, MSN; Gillian D. Sanders, PhD. Benefits and Harms of Breast Cancer Screening: A Systematic Review. JAMA.2015;314(15):1615-1634. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.13183. [Link]

The investigative group are part of the Duke Evidence Synthesis Group in the DCRI, led by Gillian Sanders, PhD. This project was commissioned by the American Cancer Society. There is an editorial in JAMA by Keating and Pace reflecting on both the new guidelines paper and the evidence from Duke researchers in the systematic review.

The news media extensively picked up this JAMA issue. Within 48 hours the Altmetric index for the Myers paper is "46", coming from news outlets, blogs, and tweeters.
