DGIM welcomes 11 new faculty

We are proud to welcome 11 new faculty members to the Division of General Internal Medicine:

Joshua Briscoe, MD, has been with Duke since he began his medicine-psychiatry residency in 2012. He now transitions from a secondary DGIM appointment to a primary one and will be working with VA Palliative Care. 

Christopher Fink, DO, has been a primary care physician at Pickett Road Clinic since January 2020 and now takes the title of Assistant Professor. 

Susan Isbey, MD, has been with the Durham VA Medical Ambulatory care service since 2014. She now becomes a faculty member in our division and will continue working at the VA PRIME clinic as a primary care physician and residency training preceptor. 

Feerozeh Jahanshahi, MD, has been with the Duke Division of Oncology since 2018 as a clinical associate in the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit. She will now be a hospitalist at Duke University Hospital.

Waynekid Kam, MD, comes to us from the University of Maryland where he was a Medical Instructor. He now joins our faculty as a Medical Neuro-Oncology hospitalist at the Duke Brain Tumor Center. 

Neal Klauer, MD,  joins us from the University of Chicago where he just finished up his Internal Medicine residency. He joins our division as a hospitalist at Duke University Hospital. 

Alexandra Lee, MD, just completed her Geriatrics fellowship at Duke and now joins Duke GIM faculty as a hospitalist at Duke University Hospital.

Rebecca Lumsden, MD, joins our faculty as a hospitalist at Duke University Hospital. She just completed a 4-year residency combined Internal Medicine/Global Health Pathway at Duke.

Mary-Nel Saarloos, DO, comes to Duke from Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC, where she has been a hospitalist since 2008. She will now be a hospitalist at Duke University Hospital.  

Shiela Sherzoy, MD, just finished up her Internal Medicine Residency here at Duke and now joins our division as a hospitalist at Duke University Hospital. 

Daphne Xiao, MD, joins our division as a hospitalist at Duke University Hospital. She just completed her Duke Internal Medicine Residency. 

Welcome, all, to the division!
