Distinguished academic promotions in GIM

Congratulations to three of our faculty members who are receiving distinguished academic promotions in the division of General Internal Medicine (GIM)!

“It gives me tremendous pleasure to announce these three promotions to Associate and Full Professor. As you know, these academic promotions mark faculty members’ scholarly achievements and are a hallmark of professional accomplishment in our school. Faculty appointed to Associate Professor and Full Professor have achieved recognition within Duke and at peer institutions as leaders in their fields both nationally and/or internationally.”  

- L. Ebony Boulware, MD, MPH – Chief, Duke General Internal Medicine 

To Full Professor


Paul Lantos, MD

Dr. Lantos joined Duke faculty in 2008, with joint appointments in General Internal Medicine and Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Dr. Lantos devoted his first 12 years at Duke in the Hospital Medicine Program but, since 2020, his primary clinical role has been in Employee and Occupational Health and Wellness. Read more below >

William Yancy, MD 

Dr. Yancy has clinical responsibilities at the Duke Lifestyle and Weight Management Center and the Duke Keto Medicine Clinic, focusing on obesity medicine. In both clinical settings, he frequently has medical students, house officers, fellows, and other trainees who he instructs in the clinical care, as well as the pathophysiology of obesity and its treatment. Read more below >

To Associate Professor


Joel Boggan, MD

Duke has been fortunate to have Dr. Boggan since medical school. He became a faculty member in General Internal Medicine (GIM) in 2014. Since then, he has served a number of critical roles that integrate his clinical, quality improvement and medical education interests. Read more below >

Paul Lantos, MD

Professor of Medicine, effective November 1, 2021

Dr. Lantos joined Duke faculty in 2008, with joint appointments in General Internal Medicine and Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Dr. Lantos devoted his first 12 years at Duke in the Hospital Medicine Program but, since 2020, his primary clinical role has been in Employee and Occupational Health and Wellness. Lantos serves in numerous intramural and extramural leadership roles. He is currently one of the chairs of the Duke University Health System Institutional Review Board (IRB). As an infectious diseases physician doing clinical work in Employee and Occupational Health, Dr. Lantos has been integral to Duke’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Lantos has appointments in the Divisions of General Internal Medicine, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, and Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and the Duke Global Health Institute.

Dr. Lantos’ area of research expertise is geospatial epidemiology and disease mapping, a set of methodological tools that he has primarily applied to infectious diseases, environmental health, and health disparities research. Among his recent contributions to science are geospatial analyses of SARS-CoV-2, congenital cytomegalovirus, infant hearing loss, intestinal parasitic diseases, animal rabies, opioid abuse, and access to obstetrical care. In 2014 Dr. Lantos received the KL2 Mentored Career Development Award from the Duke CTSA.  His areas of clinical expertise include vector-borne diseases, such as malaria and Lyme disease. He was chairperson and first author of the Lyme disease guidelines sponsored by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), American Academy of Neurology (AAN), and American College of Rheumatology (ACR). Dr. Lantos has more than 60 publications, including 40 peer reviewed scientific studies, 3 practice guidelines, and numerous reviews and book chapters. 

Dr. Lantos has varied clinical responsibilities at Employee and Occupational Health and Wellness and he sees patients in the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Clinic. In these positions, Dr. Lantos serves as an educator for trainees. In addition to clinical teaching, Dr. Lantos has served as a research mentor and teacher for learners including high school level, global health graduate students, and clinical fellows. He has participated on the Master’s thesis committees for graduate students at the Duke Global Health Institute and at Duke-Kunshan University. 

National/International Recognition
Dr. Lantos is well-recognized nationally and internationally. He has been an invited symposium leader and speaker at IDSA annual meetings. He has been an invited grand rounds or symposium speaker at numerous prestigious institutions, including Johns Hopkins, Massachusetts General Hospital, Yale, Georgetown, and the University of Alabama. Internationally he has been a speaker at conferences three times in Mongolia, twice in China, and in Germany, Ireland, and Austria. He has been an ad hoc peer reviewer for more than 30 medical journals, including Lancet and JAMA. He has served terms on the Standards and Practice Guidelines Committee of the IDSA and the Programs and Meetings Committee of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society. Dr. Lantos is a Fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Fellow of the American College of Physicians, and has recently been appointed Member of the American College of Epidemiology.

William Yancy, MD

Professor of Medicine, effective November 1, 2021

Dr. Yancy has clinical responsibilities at the Duke Lifestyle and Weight Management Center and the Duke Keto Medicine Clinic, focusing on obesity medicine. In both clinical settings, he frequently has medical students, house officers, fellows, and other trainees who he instructs in the clinical care, as well as the pathophysiology of obesity and its treatment.

Dr. Yancy has established himself as a leading national and international authority on the management and impacts of obesity and, in particular, the effects of low-carbohydrate nutrition on weight, metabolism and certain health problems. Yancy’s work has been recognized by numerous research grants since he started at Duke, including 2 successive VA Career Development Awards, 11 VA Merit Reviews, and several NIH awards, including an R01 and an R21 as multiple PI and other R awards as co-investigator. Dr. Yancy has been PI, multiple PI, co-investigator or consultant on 37 grant awards.

In addition to his success in research, Dr. Yancy has been an outstanding mentor and educator. He has served on the Master’s thesis committee for trainees and as mentor for career development awards for trainees. Dr. Yancy has served an equally valued role as a leading physician and scientist in the Division of General Internal Medicine, precepting numerous medical students, residents, and fellows in both the PRIME clinic at the VA and at Duke Lifestyle and Weight Management Center. 

National Recognition
Dr. Yancy has served as a scientific reviewer on the VA HSR&D Career Development Review Committee, an ad hoc reviewer for the VA HSR&D Scientific Merit Review Board and NIH challenge grants and a member The Obesity Society’s Scientific Review Committee. He also served on The Obesity Society’s Development Committee and VA Diabetes QUERI Executive Committee. He has served as abstract reviewer and session chair for the Society for General Internal Medicine, The Obesity Society, VA HSR&D Annual Meeting, and the American Diabetes Association. Due to the importance of his research, Dr. Yancy has been an invited lecturer at nearly 60 seminars across the nation.

One of the most significant achievements for Dr. Yancy was being the 2006 recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), recognizing the most promising scientists and engineers in their fields across the U.S. In 2013, Dr. Yancy received the Duke University School of Medicine Excellence in Professionalism Award, and last year, his team received Best Research Paper for 2020 for Veterans Affairs (VA) Health Services Research & Development (HSR&D).

Joel Boggan, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine, effective November 1, 2021

Duke has been fortunate to have Dr. Boggan since medical school. He became a faculty member in General Internal Medicine (GIM) in 2014. Since then, he has served a number of critical roles that integrate his clinical, quality improvement and medical education interests.

At the Durham VA Dr. Boggan is a clinical member of the Division of Hospital Medicine, rounding with the VA medicine teaching teams and UME/GME learners. He oversees quality improvement projects focusing on inpatient care metrics, many presented at national meetings. He is one of two Social Media Editors for BMJ Quality & Safety, the preeminent journal in the fields of quality improvement and patient safety. Dr. Boggan has served as a faculty member in the MS2 Clinical Skills Curriculum course since 2016. He also oversees quality improvement and patient safety education for the Internal Medicine Residency Program since 2017. 

QI & Med-Ed
Dr. Boggan has established himself as a local and regional authority on quality improvement and medical education. He has had several publications in these topic areas, working with both local leaders and trainees. He has had first author publications in Pediatrics, BMJ Quality & Safety, and Journal of General Internal Medicine. His ongoing relationships with the Evidence Synthesis Partnership at the Durham VA and work on remote triage systems are especially timely given the current pandemic.

In addition to his success in research, Dr. Boggan has been an outstanding mentor and teacher. He has mentored medical students and residents, including the past several Chief Residents in Quality and Safety and the new, inaugural Duke University Hospital Chief Resident in Quality and Safety, for which he became the official Program Director during the 2020-2021 academic year.
