DOC quickly organizes vaccination clinic for the underserved

When the Duke Outpatient Clinic (DOC) team learned on Wednesday morning that there were going to be 100 vaccinations available at their clinic that Friday, they knew they had to act quick! 

"We were excited to learn of the vaccines coming, but we knew it would take some work to get 100 appointments scheduled in less than 48 hours," says DOC Medical Director, Dr. Lynn Bowlby.

The entire DOC team worked quickly making phone calls to get patients scheduled for their appointments. To ensure vaccine equitability, the clinic targeted patients in the higher-risk and underserved populations. The event successfully vaccinated 100 patients, 90% being in the underserved category. 

"Most of the credit goes to our amazing staff for their outstanding effort in pulling this off," said Bowlby. "This was a great day at the DOC today, and an amazing way to care for our patients!"
