Dr. Jane Kim leads national VA vaccine project

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced Tuesday, Nov. 17, that it is working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other federal partners to develop a comprehensive COVID-19 vaccine plan to ensure VA safely and equitably distributes vaccines once authorized.

Simultaneously, VAntage Point, the official blog of the VA, highlighted vaccine news from Dr. Jane Kim who is the national VA’s Chief Consultant for Preventive Medicine. Dr. Kim is also an associate professor of medicine (General Internal Medicine) and a clinician-educator in the Durham VA Medical Center. 

Blog post: “When COVID-19 vaccine comes, the VA will be ready”

The blog post by Dr. Kim confirmed a phased approach based on risk factors beginning with high-risk health care personnel. In late October VA medical centers across the country performed planning exercises. Additionally, VA has been conducting listening sessions and interviews with veterans. 

Dr. Kim leads the national VA project team, planning for the prioritization and distribution of COVID vaccines throughout VHA medical facilities. She has served as VA’s Chief Consultant for Preventive Medicine since 2016. Dr. Kim completed her residency in internal medicine at Duke University Hospital and a second residency in Preventive Medicine at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.  

Duke General Internal Medicine continues to be extremely proud of Dr. Kim’s accomplishments and her contributions to patient care.
