Duke Cancer Institute seed grants - deadline 4/1/2011

By Anton Zuiker
The Duke Cancer Institute (DCI) is committed to offering unprecedented opportunities for teamwork and collaboration among faculty whose focus is advancing cancer research and care for our patients. In accordance with that mission, DCI is issuing its first RFA for eight seed grants. The goal of these grants is to provide funding support for new research projects with an emphasis on (but not exclusive to) junior faculty investigators whose focus is on basic, clinical and translational research endeavors related to cancer.

Duke Cancer Institute

Eight Seed Grants integrating DCI Diseased-based and Approach-based Cancer Research

DCI has been structured to facilitate the intersection of basic science, translational science, and clinical research through the mechanisms of disease-site based and approach-based programs as depicted below. Enhancing the research missions of these disease and approach based oncology programs is one of the central goals of the DCI. (Download DCI-seed grants RFA.FINAL to view illustration of DCI research programs.) To this end, the DCI has established a pilot studies program to foster and expand collaborative cancer research among investigators interested in helping the DCI achieve its central goal. These seed grants are targeted for junior faculty investigators (Instructor or Assistant Professor within 3 years of appointment) with the aim to facilitate acquisition of preliminary data for future external funding opportunities. Support: Applicants may request up to $50,000 direct costs for a one year period. It is anticipated that eight projects will be funded. Funds may be budgeted for salary and/or fellow stipends, small equipment, supplies and other expenses required for the completion of the project. Funding will be provided for one year only with a detailed progress report required 13 months after the project is awarded. Eligibility and Criteria: Applications may be submitted by Duke faculty and must include an investigator(s) interested in translational, basic and or clinical approaches to understand cancer as well as an investigator(s) who uses novel discovery-based approaches to investigate mechanisms that underlie cancer. Evidence of collaboration among investigators is critical. Criteria for selection include:
  1. Conceptual framework
  2. Innovation
  3. Soundness of research design including statistical analysis, if applicable
  4. Capability of investigators to undertake and complete project on schedule
Selection process: Proposals will be reviewed and scored by an independent committee of Duke faculty engaged in clinical, translational and basis research. The top eight proposals will be funded. All applications must be submitted by March 1, 2011. Application: A written/electronic proposal (three page maximum) is required along with biosketches of key personnel (NIH format). Proposals should include a brief budget and a time line. The 3 page proposals should be organized into the following sections:
  1. Background and Significance
  2. Design and Methods, including details of collaboration among clinical, translational, and basic investigators
  3. Expected Results/Pitfalls
  4. A brief plan outlining how the projects may lead to further external funding
Inquiries should be made to Donna Wimberley (assistant to Dr. Chris Willett, Co-Leader, Duke Cancer Institute) at donna.wimberley@duke.edu. Please indicate DCI RFA in the subject line when submitting the application.
