Duke Internal Medicine Residency Program celebrates Fellowship Match 2020-21

The Department of Medicine and Duke Internal Medicine Residency Program celebrated the 2020-21 fellowship match today.

“The fellowship match represents the culmination of a tremendous amount of work for our senior residents,” said Kathleen Cooney, MD, MACP, chair of the Department of Medicine. “I am delighted to see our residents take this next step in their careers.”

This year Duke residents matched in 11 specialties in internal medicine at 20 different institutions across the country, including 13 who are staying at Duke.

“We are so proud of our senior residents and this impressive fellowship match. Every year the match gets more and more competitive, and the results speak for themselves. Duke residents are not just outstanding physicians but outstanding people," said Aimee Zaas, MD, MHS, program director of the Duke Internal Medicine Residency. "We look forward to following your careers with pride."

We also congratulate the Divisions in the Department of Medicine for attracting a phenomenal group of incoming fellows. Each of the 11 fellowship programs across the Department had a successful fellowship match day.

See a list below for where Duke Internal Medicine Residents have matched for their fellowship training.

2017-20 Duke Internal Medicine Residency Match Map

Senior Residents Matching to Fellowship Programs

Name Specialty Location
Nick Ashur Cardiology UVA
Christopher Asuzu Cardiology Emory
Stacy Bagrova Rheumatology Univ. of South Florida
Carlos Barbery Cardiology Penn
Callie Berkowitz Hematology Oncology UNC
Jackie Bolwell GI Cleveland Clinic
Sonali Bracken Rheumatology Duke
Sean Chen Cardiology NYU
Marius Chukwurah Cardiology Penn
Sara Coles Cardiology Duke
Kim Darlington Gastroenterology UNC
Marge DeOlivera Nephrology Mount Sinai
Lena Eder Rheumatology Duke
Kent Feng Cardiology Kaiser Permanente San Francisco
Jeremy Gillespie Gastroenterology Duke
Megan Gillum Integrated Geriatrics and Palliative Care UCSF
Alex Grubb Cardiology University of Colorado
Yolanda Guzman Palliative Care Mount Sinai
Matt Harbrecht Gastroenterology Michigan
Nathaniel Harris Rheumatology Duke
Joyce Hwang Hematology Oncology Duke
Chester Kao Hematology Oncology Johns Hopkins
Neha Kayastha Hospice and Palliative Medicine Duke
Payton Kendsersky Cardiology MUSC
Nick Koutlas Gastroenterology Wake Forest
Govind Krishnan Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine Duke
Cassie Lautredou Infectious Diseases UCLA
Sooyoung Lim Endocrinology Johns Hopkins
Ahmad Mourad Infectious Diseases Duke
Cameron Oswalt Hematology Oncology Duke
Cindy Pabon Hematology Oncology MD Anderson
Bhavik Patel Pulmonary Critical Care Penn
Alex Reddy Gastroenterology Duke
Jonathan Reichstein Gastroenterology MUSC
Hannah Robinson Hematology Oncology Univ. of Colorado
Maggie Salinger General Internal Medicine  Harvard
Micah Schub Nephrology Duke
Lonnie Sullivan Cardiology Duke
Trent Wei Cardiology Cleveland Clinic
Austin Wesevich Hematology Oncology Univ. of Chicago
Nadia Yimer Pulmonary Critical Care Emory

