Duke medical trainees invited to participate in writing workshop

Duke medical trainees (fellows, residents and students) are invited to join the Internal Medicine Residency Program for a one-day workshop on the craft of writing, part of a new initiative called the Duke Narrative Medicine Project.

The February 6, 2016 workshop will teach the craft of writing for medical students, residents and fellows across all departments.

The goals of the workshop, says Anubha Agarwal, MD, one of the organizers, include providing a community to prepare narrative and reflective writing for publication, giving trainees a creative outlet that can improve resiliency, and engendering collaboration and empathy across different specialties.

The facilitator for this workshop will be Anna Reisman, MD, director of the Yale Internal Medicine Residency Writers’ Workshop. Dr. Reisman will be joined by additional facilitators from the Duke University faculty.

Duke medical trainees are invited to submit narrative or reflective writing samples in advance of the workshop. Workshop participants will engage in critical and constructive feedback of each other's writing.  

Find the application and additional details.

Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2016.

Contact DukeNarrativeMedicine@duke.edu for more information.
