Dzau requests regular review of SOM dean

By Anton Zuiker
Victor J. Dzau, MD, chancellor for health affairs and CEO of Duke University Health System, sent the following memo to all School of Medicine faculty. The Faculty Handbook states that if a dean of the University is eligible for reappointment, a committee appointed by the Academic Council will, in the fourth year of the dean’s term, conduct a performance review and submit a confidential report to the Provost (and the Chancellor for Health Affairs when the review involves the deans of Medicine and Nursing) with a copy to the President. Such a review committee has been appointed to review Dean Nancy Andrews. The committee has the following members: Michael Merson, M.D. (Chair); Huntington Willard, Ph.D. (Co-Chair); Ruth Anderson, Ph.D.; Anna Mae Diehl, M.D.; Mariano Garcia-Blanco, M.D., Ph.D.; Carl Ravin, M.D.; Steve Smith, and Christina Williams, Ph.D. Cecily Denson, Chief of Staff to the Chancellor of Health Affairs, will serve as support to the committee.
    An important part of the review process is the solicitation and consideration of comments offered by members of the administration, faculty, and student body. All views, whether they are expressions of approbation or complaints, suggestions for the future, or a mix of these views, are important to the committee. Your thoughts may be communicated orally to any member of the committee, but the committee would prefer written comments, which can be discussed by the committee without the need for intermediation by any of its members. In either case, it would be useful for the committee to know the nature of your interactions with Dean Andrews in order to understand the context of your comments as fully as possible. Replies will be discussed by the committee and a summary of conclusions will be included in the written report. Otherwise, the contents of replies and the names of respondents will be kept confidential. The report is due by September. The committee would, therefore, appreciate receiving your comments by the end of July; however, every effort will be made to consider any comment received prior to the delivery of our report. To facilitate assembly and distribution of comments, please send them to the Committee Chair at the address below. Thank you for whatever assistance you are able to provide to the committee. Chair, SoM Dean Review Committee Duke University School of Medicine DUMC 3701 Durham, North Carolina 27710 (this is a secure e-mail going to the chair of the committee only)  
