Faculty Spotlight: Sutoidem Akpanudo, MBBS, PhD

Sutoidem Moses Akpanudo, MBBS, PhD, known as "Suto" to his colleagues, is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in our division and is a hospitalist at Duke University Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Akpanudo in our interview below. 

What brought you to Duke?
I came to Duke hospital Medicine for the opportunity to engage in research as an academic hospitalist. I was also drawn to the area by the family friendly environment of the Research Triangle area

What are your research interest?
My areas of research interest are in hospital medicine, public health and in research design. In hospital medicine, I am interested in patient communication, patient satisfaction, and social determinants of health in hospitalized patients. In public health, I am interested in smoking cessation and social determinants of community health. In research design, my interests lie in psychometric measurements in survey instruments and qualitative data analysis.

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?
My interests outside of work include traveling with my family to see the world (we hope to resume once the pandemic allows for that). I am also interested in robotics and watching movies.

What is a fun fact about yourself?
I grew up in Nigeria and as a young person I was interested in the making movies. At one point, I considered a career in making Nigerian movies (Nollywood).

What is your favorite food? 
My favorite food is called Ekpang nkwukwo. It is West African dish made from Cocoyam wrapped in green vegetables leaves. It takes a lot of time and effort to make but is quite delicious and well worth it.

What is your favorite restaurant? 
Chipotle. I would not want to move to a city without a Chipotle restaurant close by.

