Feinglos stepping down as chief of Endocrinology

By ajz6@dhe.duke.edu
Mary Klotman, MD, chair of the department, sent the following announcement to faculty. For a dozen years now, Mark Feinglos, MD, CM, has served the Department of Medicine with distinction as chief of the Division of Endocrinology. Under his leadership, Endocrinology faculty doubled in numbers, the fellowship program became one of the strongest in the country, and the division developed an extraordinary cadre of advance-practice providers, educators, and research and clinical staff. Now, Mark is ready to hand the reins to another energetic and visionary leader. He will be stepping down once a permanent replacement is selected. I have asked Chris Newgard, PhD, director of the Sarah W. Stedman Nutrition and Metabolism Center, to chair a search committee. With luck, a new chief will be in place by the end of the year. Mark has been at Duke since he came here for his internship in 1973. He completed his residency and fellowship here, and joined the faculty of our department in 1978. He also holds appointments in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, the Department of Pathology and the Nicholas School of the Environment. He is PI or co-PI on multiple grants, author on more than 150 publications, a member of numerous societies, and even has a mineral – feinglosite – named for him. In short, he is a highly valued member of our department. Once he steps down as chief, Mark will remain in the division as principal investigator of the Endocrinology Fellowship Training Grant. And, as he announced to the faculty and staff of the division, he’ll spend the rest of his effort on his research projects, teaching, and patient care activities – “In other words, pretty much what I am doing now except for the administrative duties.” On behalf of the entire Department of Medicine, I thank Mark for his service, and commend the Division of Endocrinology on of all your past and future successes.
