First quarter 2018 - GIM funding awards

Congratulations to these General Internal Medicine faculty members who are recipients of recent research funding:

James Davis has received 2 funding awards:

  • one from Axsome Therapeutics Inc. for a project entitled "A Randomized, Double-Blind Study to Evaluate the Impact of AXS-05 on Smoking Behavior." Total funding will be $386,660
  • another from Pfizer, Inc. for a project entitled "Pfizer Preceptorship." Total funding will be $30,000

Clarissa Diamantidis has received a second year of the Doris Duke Fund to retain clinical scientists at Duke, total $50k.

Rowena J. Dolor has received 2 funding awards:

  • a sub-award through the University of Cincinnati for a project entitled "EMPOWER." Total funding will be $96,612.
  • another sub-award through the Weill Medical College of Cornell University for a project entitled "The CAPTURE Study: Validatiing a unique COPD screening tool in primary care." Total funding will be $111,300
