Funding opp: 2018 Coulter Award for Biomedical Engineers and Clinicians

The Wallace H. Coulter Endowment at Duke University provides funding to support collaborative translational research projects that involve co-investigators from the Department of Biomedical Engineering and a clinical department in the School of Medicine. The goal of this program is to support collaborative research that addresses unmet clinical needs and leads to improvements in health care and to commercial products. Examples of desirable outcomes include inventions, patents, improved diagnosis and treatment of disease, follow-on funding (e.g. grants, SBIR, angel investment) commercial products, licenses, commercial partnerships and start-up companies. 

Full applications are due by March 9, 2018


Only permanent, full-time, faculty in the professorial ranks (assistant, associate, or full) may apply.


Each proposal must have at least two PIs, including a primary or secondary BME faculty, and one clinical faculty from the Duke University School of Medicine. Clinical faculty includes professionals with access to patients or patient samples. Larger teams of PIs may also be assembled. New collaborations are valued.

The research must lead to improvements in commercial development and clinical, and the objectives of the project should include an outcome that will benefit patients and address unmet clinical needs.

Goals should be stated as milestones, not hypotheses. Projects may propose more than one year of milestones prior to anticipated translation, however, projects are funded for only one year at a time (i.e., you will need to re-compete for future years’ funds).

Evaluation of each proposal will be on the basis of scientific merit, potential health care impact and significance, experience of the investigators, the potential for commercialization or translation to patient care and for successfully obtaining further support.

More Information

General questions about proposals and review process, as well as specific questions about scientific content or commercialization strategy should be addressed to Barry Myers (919-660-5150; before submission. 

​See for more information and to apply.
