The School of Medicine has announced that it is now accepting applications for the Chandran Research Award in Neuro-Oncology:
Beverly A. and Clarence J. Chandran established this award to fund Duke University research related to early detection of brain tumors. Major goals of this initiative are to design better methods of tumor detection, tumor characterization, and measurement of effects of tumor therapy in the brain and/or spinal cord. The award generally provides $15,000 in funding for a pilot research project.
Preference is given to proposals that show promise for subsequent funding by other sources, are translational in nature, explore new research areas and develop new collaborations across Duke University, especially those that demonstrate collaboration between medicine and either engineers or scientists.
The deadline for submitting applications is midnight on Tues., Oct. 15, 2013.
The award is open to all faculty and trainees (i.e. graduate/professional students and fellows) in the Pratt School of Engineering, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences, and School of Medicine at Duke University.
Applications will be reviewed in late October by a committee of selected experts. All committee members with conflicts of interest (i.e. direct supervision of applicant, or listed as investigator on application) shall recuse themselves from voting.The award winner will be announced at the Chandran lecture at Duke University, scheduled for Fri., Nov.8, at 4:30 p.m. in the Searle Center.
The award carries a maximum amount of $15,000 for a maximum duration of 12 months. These funds may be used to support the costs of the research project, including equipment, use of an imaging facility, and support for research assistants and technical staff. The award is not intended for investigator salary support.
The funding will go directly to the department of the Principal Investigator as direct costs to support the research project. No overhead or indirect costs are included. The award start date is Dec.1, 2013. The final report is due on Dec. 1, 2014.
The award is intended to pilot new projects, and not to supplement currently funded projects.
To apply, complete the application form and submit the application along with the applicant's current NIH biosketch to Sara Faust at no later than midnight on Oct. 15, 2013. Please note that applications should be a maximum of four pages long, not including the cover page, bibliography and NIH biosketch.